PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

What I can’t get is what actual sway or influence would a club that to my mind is basically just slightly above mid table usually fighting for places outside of champions league but more europa or conference positions what power do they have it’s baffling..
Spurs - or rather Levy in particular - have ideas above their station and like to think they’re part of the cartel. Don’t get me wrong - I see them as a big club with decent sized support, but their standing in the game should align with recent success on the pitch. One League Cup since the turn of the millennium is a piss-poor return for a club that claims to be so big. The way they act off the pitch is not the behaviour of a so-called big club either. Constantly putting in low-ball offers for players and paying shit wages yet charging fans a fortune for season tickets.
Spurs - or rather Levy in particular - have ideas above their station and like to think they’re part of the cartel. Don’t get me wrong - I see them as a big club with decent sized support, but their standing in the game should align with recent success on the pitch. One League Cup since the turn of the millennium is a piss-poor return for a club that claims to be so big. The way they act off the pitch is not the behaviour of a so-called big club either. Constantly putting in low-ball offers for players and paying shit wages yet charging fans a fortune for season tickets.

They do have a nice stadium though .
If it was just about image he could have paid a PR company and opened a few hospitals. This is the bit idiots like Jordan don't understand. Sheikh Mansour wants to make money. He invests across the globe in tech, financial, education, and sports sectors. If he can enhance his reputation at the same time that's great (not image washing). That is the way every succesful business in the world operates. Elite tootball in the digital era is a licence to print money. That's why people are queuing up to buy PL clubs.
I think you misunderstood my post Bob?
How many people would have clicked on the video had it not had the negative headline, I expect it would be a lot less
That's what I posted straight after the interview. If they'd of gone with "Financial expert seems certain City will be cleared" there'd of been 80% less listening. Same go's with the back pages of the papers.
Spurs - or rather Levy in particular - have ideas above their station and like to think they’re part of the cartel. Don’t get me wrong - I see them as a big club with decent sized support, but their standing in the game should align with recent success on the pitch. One League Cup since the turn of the millennium is a piss-poor return for a club that claims to be so big. The way they act off the pitch is not the behaviour of a so-called big club either. Constantly putting in low-ball offers for players and paying shit wages yet charging fans a fortune for season tickets.
To be fair to them they have the same amount of PL titles as Arsenal have at the Emirates.
Parry would say no. He’s not there for the good of the EFL.

It won’t matter, the charges won’t be proved.
To relegate us they would have to deduct about 60 points and trust to the normal relegation arrangements ie the EFL could not refuse us entry.
Good luck getting 60 point deduction accepted.

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