PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Didnt someone connected with bayern tweet "it is believed that CAS has cleared manchester city"? I remember seeing that the sunday night before

The award was redacted, so I would imagine the club and uefa saw the draft before it was announced to agree to the redacted content. Iirc Cheeseman said he came to his conclusion based on reports he got of the atmosphere among senior executives. All seems perfectly likely to me.

The bruised egos from "ITK"s on here was an added bonus.
Reading abstained,but the mystery is why? surely its no coincidence Gill is from Reading!
It all adds up to the same thing in my book mate. Reading had a chance to do the right thing, but chose to sit on the fence. Now look at them!

They want their owner out, but if a new minted owner comes along, they can't invest what's necessary to get back to the PL & stay there.
If the premier league had cast iron evidence these charges would have been nipped in the bud months ago , but i suspect they do not have anything and the 115 charges were just mud slinging on behalf of the demands of "certain" clubs.
The onus is on the Premier league to gather info and evidence and the level of financial corruption they are claiming would mean our sponsors and asscociates would have to open their business dealing and accounts to the Premier league , this will never happen , hence we will be charged and found guilty of non-co-operation similar to the CAS verdict.
We will be fined and because we will be found guilty of one of the charges our club will be labelled cheats by all and sundry , but it will not change the record books , there will be no asterisks and the Dipper and Rags will not be given any of our titles.
Then we can continue to enjoy Pep's remaining years and the unbelievable football we play and dominate european football and build the club into one of the biggest in europe , FFP was the only hope of stopping us and its failed miserably.
The thing about that, is if that's what they demand then that should be prerequisite to all premier league sponsors, so the likes of nike, adidas, terrorist money launderers, Rwanda gov, all the fucking betting companies etc need to be willing to open their books to the pl on demand as part of the sponsorship. If it was done as a requirement the pl might have a case to ask, as it isnt they would be told to fuck off by every single company under the sun so the non compliance shit is a bullshit as the financial fraud.
Agree 100% , the Premier league have bitten off more than they can chew , they need info that multi national companies are just not going to give them to prove us guilty , who the f*ck at the Premier league thought this was a good idea ? Heads will roll in a few months time because they have over stepped the mark , they are not judge and jury when it comes to looking into financial matters of massive companies , they have no power and no juristriction.
Maybe they should concentrate on the club across the road where their Yank owners have put the club over a billion in debt.
“Guilty”, “Not Guilty” and “Charges” are emotionally charged terms to inflate the situation and make the unwashed masses think we’ve broken the law and are evil when really we broke some specific rules that the company in charge invented they made to ensure those at the top remain there. We’re not guilty of anything of that I’m 100% sure.

The whole thing is a circus!
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