PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If the premier league had cast iron evidence these charges would have been nipped in the bud months ago , but i suspect they do not have anything and the 115 charges were just mud slinging on behalf of the demands of "certain" clubs.
The onus is on the Premier league to gather info and evidence and the level of financial corruption they are claiming would mean our sponsors and asscociates would have to open their business dealing and accounts to the Premier league , this will never happen , hence we will be charged and found guilty of non-co-operation similar to the CAS verdict.
We will be fined and because we will be found guilty of one of the charges our club will be labelled cheats by all and sundry , but it will not change the record books , there will be no asterisks and the Dipper and Rags will not be given any of our titles.
Then we can continue to enjoy Pep's remaining years and the unbelievable football we play and dominate european football and build the club into one of the biggest in europe , FFP was the only hope of stopping us and its failed miserably.
I suspect the "non-cooperation" charges are where the real battle lies as the club will not take them lying down
Not sure why you doubt it? The burden of proof on charges like this are very high. If they had a smoking gun surely it would have been leaked and a lot quicker. This is only being dragged out to appease your Simon Jordan’s and his army of white van man listeners.
I'm not sure about that. My guess is that even if the independent panel are currently rolling around the floor pissing their sides laughing at the PL's so-called "evidence" and thinking there's no way they can find us guilty based on that, they probably still have to go through the full process before submitting their verdict.
It looks like Scruffy Jim is trying to turn the rags into City lite with his appointments, seeing that they are reportedly tapping up Jason Wilcox at Southampton .
It’s a sensible policy. Who are the best run club? City, so recruit as many of their best guys or ex guys as possible.
A sensible policy from the rags? What am I saying?
We weren’t. It has been confirmed on here by people in the know that City didn’t know till just before the announcement.

People jumped on Ian’s tweet, it was nothing more than a punt.
Not true. City staff were told on the Friday afternoon before the Monday announcement that we'd won on all the main charges. One City fan who helps run a supporters club branch got hold of the info as he had a relative who worked at the club and blabbed to all and sundry down the pub on the Saturday night. I got a WhatsApp off a mate on the Sunday evening confirming this. It also explains how Ian Cheeseman might've got hold of it. He doesn't need to hear it directly from a contact within the club because he's got plenty of mates outside the club who have contacts within.
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I’m sure he has passed on what he heard in good faith, however this goes against everything all the people with relevant experience in these matters have said.

For example if true it completely proves the theory that the IC isn’t independent at all which we’re told is impossible.

More likely a club official spouting their personal opinion rather than fact
The PL’s brief will report back to them, which is normal. If the PL then leak, the tribunal‘s independence is not compromised, but the integrity of the PL is.
If the case falls apart before getting to the hearing then all football fans outside City will attribute it to some sort of corruption.

We deserve our day in court to clear our name.
They will attribute it to that regardless.

Even if we are found guilty, but not punished as severely as they'd like to see.
What I’m saying is Tolmie has passed on info he’s heard in good faith but it basically just someone’s opinion from another club and should be taken as such

There is no way the IC has said to anyone at this stage what the source stating they have
Absolutely nothing happens in this world in a vacuum. People who know people will ask how's the investigation going and it will be passed on. I have no trouble believing that generalities (not specifics perhaps) get passed on.

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