PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The integrity of the PL was compromised when the rags and dippers were allowed to select Masters as their poodle.
I think its really telling that none of the mainstream media (or anyone else) reported or passed comment on the Parliamentary committee stating at the end of the enquiry, that Masters and Parry didn't know what they were doing and were dragging their feet over change. All their mates in the press just closed ranks, as we have experienced.
They will because they want us desperately to go away. Opposition supporters are not interested if we are innocent or guilty because they have already made their minds up, helped by almost all the mainstream media's dailly jibes about how we have cheated our way to our success. Because they can't beat City on the pitch they have resorted to wanting us to be punished whether we have broken their made up rules or not, which by the way didn't exist until the Sheik rocked up and pissed on there collective parades. This is all they have now.
The media have definitely set out to paint City as guilty from the outset... they've dictated the narrative to oppositiom fans.
If it had been any of the Red cartel in the frame they would have actively set out to downplay the charges, they would have gone to great lengths to exhonerate them.
The media have definitely set out to paint City as guilty from the outset... they've dictated the narrative to oppositiom fans.
If it had been any of the Red cartel in the frame they would have actively set out to downplay the charges, they would have gone to great lengths to exhonerate them.
They already have done, barely anything on the rags actually failing FFP.
Endlessly we have been told that City's case is "difficult" and "complicated" and that is why it is taking much longer than Everton's. This is after it took the PL 4 years to find anything to charge us with and then rush the rap sheet out that it included not cutting the grass properly. And then a date for the hearing was fixed but Masters didn't know when it was. So why is it "difficult"? What makes it "complicated"? It appears that many of the charges are a second chance to make the charges stick that UEFA failed with. CAS ruled (eleven times?) that UEFA actually had NO evidence to support ANY of the charges. If the PL have new evidence presumably they unearthed it in the course of 4 years painstaking investigation and it showed them CLEARLY what City had done wrong. So why did it take Levy's intervention to prod them into action? Why and how did it prod the PL into making such a bungled go at the charges? And finally, if City provided a large body of evidence we consider unanswerable months ago why is it so long before a ruling is made? Is there a certain degree of wriggling in the hope of finding an exit?

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