PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That was very telling because for a Commons Committee to tell the two bosses of the EFL and the PL to their faces: “You don’t know what you’re doing” is a story in anybody’s books. The media silence just confirms that a significant section of the press are being dishonest with their reporting of City.
So true, a former regional journalist myself, I am embarrassed by the anti-City bile that gets spoken and printed on a daily basis.
Endlessly we have been told that City's case is "difficult" and "complicated" and that is why it is taking much longer than Everton's. This is after it took the PL 4 years to find anything to charge us with and then rush the rap sheet out that it included not cutting the grass properly. And then a date for the hearing was fixed but Masters didn't know when it was. So why is it "difficult"? What makes it "complicated"? It appears that many of the charges are a second chance to make the charges stick that UEFA failed with. CAS ruled (eleven times?) that UEFA actually had NO evidence to support ANY of the charges. If the PL have new evidence presumably they unearthed it in the course of 4 years painstaking investigation and it showed them CLEARLY what City had done wrong. So why did it take Levy's intervention to prod them into action? Why and how did it prod the PL into making such a bungled go at the charges? And finally, if City provided a large body of evidence we consider unanswerable months ago why is it so long before a ruling is made? Is there a certain degree of wriggling in the hope of finding an exit?

Very good post, the other thing is they are alleging criminal activity and mass conspiracy to defraud, however won’t actually use those words as all hell would break lose.

The question is, have City, the owners, the club management, the auditors, the clubs commercial partners committed any crime here? The allegations are huge but what they measured up to breaking is the Premier League rule book. If it’s criminal activity is a 3 man panel the right place to judge this rather than a proper court of law, if not how far can the Premier League go back if it’s a civil case and limitations act takes effect? The Premier League are on very shaky ground here which is probably why they are receiving feedback about doubts about their case. The tidal wave of piss boiling is coming, we all better get life jackets for it.
The PL accounts for the last FY are now available on Companies House. As predicated their expenditure on legal fees is increasing exponentially, although the breakdown is not available the lions share of the £100m must be the cost of the cartel campaign against us. Just out of curiosity I did a check on the second most senior Director after Masters..

Dharmash Pravin MISTRY

It didnt taken long to see more connections between PL execs and the BBC, ie he is also a Director at the BBC, however the following just about says it all...

"Mistry, who grew up in Hampstead and is an Arsenal season-ticket holder"
The PL accounts for the last FY are now available on Companies House. As predicated their expenditure on legal fees is increasing exponentially, although the breakdown is not available the lions share of the £100m must be the cost of the cartel campaign against us. Just out of curiosity I did a check on the second most senior Director after Masters..

Dharmash Pravin MISTRY

It didnt taken long to see more connections between PL execs and the BBC, ie he is also a Director at the BBC, however the following just about says it all...

"Mistry, who grew up in Hampstead and is an Arsenal season-ticket holder"
It just shows you how broken the whole system is, how can the director of the overseer of the pl rules have a season ticket for one of the clubs and yet still claim to be impartial.
That was very telling because for a Commons Committee to tell the two bosses of the EFL and the PL to their faces: “You don’t know what you’re doing” is a story in anybody’s books. The media silence just confirms that a significant section of the press are being dishonest with their reporting of City.
I think the mainstream/legacy media is irretrievably broken. I barely consult it these days, if I (reluctantly) do, I try to look across a number of sources. I certainly don’t trust it to be balanced or fair.
This is only speculation on my part but 'if' the PL are looking for a way out as they know that their case is unwinnable then maybe there would have to be negotiations between the PL & the club about our terms for that? Contrary to what a lot of posters want we aren't going to be suing them for colossal sums but we presumably would want a statement stating that there was no case to answer as a starting point. There could also be a demand for someone like Masters to fall on his sword for instance.

If the PL case is as weak as we hope then I can't see it going all the way to the IC issuing a judgement in early summer next year.

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