PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Wolves my have to sell their best player, the rags, arsenal and the dippers are said to be very interested.
Newcastle may have to sell to comply with the shit show (and are losing one of their top men to the rags)
We may be relegated.
Welcome back to the sky top 4 on this Super Sunday. (I've included spurs as even they couldn't fuck up when every other team has been knobbled)
If fans of other clubs don't wake up to this shit show they deserve all that's coming.

The huge amount of TV money suddenly meant clubs that were just cannon fodder in the premier league started to become a nuisance. They could pay better wages and as a result obtain better players. The cartel thought fuck that and have brought in the new rules to make sure they stay in their lane. It stands to reason clubs like Arsenal, the rags, Liverpool and Spurs with 60,000+ plus stadium's should make more money than those with smaller stadiums. West Ham should be doing better with their crowds and we will be in the 60,000+ capacity soon. Of course they are doing their upmost to take us out of the equation. The ones outside looking in will never break through unless they scrap ffp completely and they get a rich owner willing to spend. They should coordinate and start a fans strike but they never will. A few games of no fans except the away fans of the top six would soon shake things up.
This is only speculation on my part but 'if' the PL are looking for a way out as they know that their case is unwinnable then maybe there would have to be negotiations between the PL & the club about our terms for that? Contrary to what a lot of posters want we aren't going to be suing them for colossal sums but we presumably would want a statement stating that there was no case to answer as a starting point. There could also be a demand for someone like Masters to fall on his sword for instance.

If the PL case is as weak as we hope then I can't see it going all the way to the IC issuing a judgement in early summer next year.
Rick Parry is one of the main instigators against us aswell . We want this **** banned from football for life !!!
I think the mainstream/legacy media is irretrievably broken. I barely consult it these days, if I (reluctantly) do, I try to look across a number of sources. I certainly don’t trust it to be balanced or fair.
Agreed. On a positive note though I think it is clear that senior people in Government (and the Opposition) know precisely what is going on within the leadership of the PL and its special relationships with certain clubs and this will ultimately work in City's favour. The UK media has been destroyed by a clickbait culture ane there is virtually no chance of impartial coverage on any issue. This is a much wider problem for society than what has happened to our club.
The PL’s brief will report back to them, which is normal. If the PL then leak, the tribunal‘s independence is not compromised, but the integrity of the PL is.

The PL has no integrity left to compromise.

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