PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The media have definitely set out to paint City as guilty from the outset... they've dictated the narrative to oppositiom fans.
If it had been any of the Red cartel in the frame they would have actively set out to downplay the charges, they would have gone to great lengths to exhonerate them.
They would of. When ushited failed FFP the press activity worked to play their failure down by saying that it was a minor failing only. Contrast that we the scrutiny City has been put under.
Not true. City staff were told on the Friday afternoon before the Monday announcement that we'd won on all the main charges. One City fan who helps run a supporters club branch got hold of the info as he had a relative who worked at the club and blabbed to all and sundry down the pub on the Saturday night. I got a WhatsApp off a mate on the Sunday evening confirming this. It also explains how Ian Cheeseman might've got hold of it. He doesn't need to hear it directly from a contact within the club because he's got plenty of mates outside the club who have contacts within.
It was a great scoop by Ian Cheeseman and like a true pro (a dying breed) he will never reveal his source.
I think its really telling that none of the mainstream media (or anyone else) reported or passed comment on the Parliamentary committee stating at the end of the enquiry, that Masters and Parry didn't know what they were doing and were dragging their feet over change. All their mates in the press just closed ranks, as we have experienced.
That was very telling because for a Commons Committee to tell the two bosses of the EFL and the PL to their faces: “You don’t know what you’re doing” is a story in anybody’s books. The media silence just confirms that a significant section of the press are being dishonest with their reporting of City.
The media have definitely set out to paint City as guilty from the outset... they've dictated the narrative to oppositiom fans.
If it had been any of the Red cartel in the frame they would have actively set out to downplay the charges, they would have gone to great lengths to exhonerate them.
This has been a smear campaign from start to finish.
Not true. City staff were told on the Friday afternoon before the Monday announcement that we'd won on all the main charges. One City fan who helps run a supporters club branch got hold of the info as he had a relative who worked at the club and blabbed to all and sundry down the pub on the Saturday night. I got a WhatsApp off a mate on the Sunday evening confirming this. It also explains how Ian Cheeseman might've got hold of it. He doesn't need to hear it directly from a contact within the club because he's got plenty of mates outside the club who have contacts within.

Hmmm never heard that the club found out on the Friday before.
I'm not sure about that. My guess is that even if the independent panel are currently rolling around the floor pissing their sides laughing at the PL's so-called "evidence" and thinking there's no way they can find us guilty based on that, they probably still have to go through the full process before submitting their verdict.
That makes sense I guess. Due process mixed with public clamour for the circus.

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