PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Reminds me of civilized conversation i had with some dipper in a bar .
Dips- your owners paid under the table
me - show me the receipt
dips - it’s on the email
me-wtf email? like the one Nigerian prince promised me gold coins if i send him my bank account info? we are taking about digits not some fairy dust on a unicorn nose .

Dips- whatever it’s in the email somewhere .
This under the table , brown envelope nonsense is amazing. Multi national companies with suit cases full of readies dropping it off at CAS. What the fuck are they doing with it!
If we won all these trophies without breaking these bent rules…brilliant.

If we won all these trophies by breaking these bent rules…brilliant.

If we won all these trophies and other fans think we cheated I don’t care.

If we won all these trophies and other fans think we deserved them I don’t care.

So, in summary I don’t care how we did it or what other fans think.

I‘m very happy.

Thanks City.
That was at the time of the investigation. Leterme left and Parry too, shortly after I think.

How’s the investigation of the leaks?
Pure assumption on my part but I believe that these two were moved on as part of a deal between the club and UEFA with no further action being taken with the supposed ethics investigation into the leaks. It would make sense with the timing of their departures is all the evidence for my feeling but it seems like something the club hierarchy would do at that time.

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