PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This is what we’re up against, I just spoke to my cousin (rednose) about the City/Chelsea match and he said “well none of that matters when you’re in the conference” so I educated him on the charges, Parry ,Gill and the yanks, UEFA and CASS and the fact all these top professionals were being accused of fraud and he just said “I thought you’d overcooked the sponsorships for hundreds of millions, oh well thanks for boring me to death “. That’s the issue, because of the tribalism they swallow everything the dicks in the msm feed them because wanting us to be guilty is more fun than us winning trophies and finding the truth.
Football clubs to be fair are not as important as the lives of heroes
I did not realize I was inferring that.

My point is that BBC (nor indeed any other media) is quite happy to publish details of how the gov allows special forces to protect their own which is National Security issue but cannot publish the easily available cartel details of how PL is run.
So when he said it was bollocks did you leave it there or give him the tirade
Not much point really, you've more chance of the Spanish inquisition putting you on probation than expecting a fair hearing off these cretins. They want a guilty verdict and our destruction, the possibility of the accused being completely innocent doesn't come into the equation.
Not much point really, you've more chance of the Spanish inquisition putting you on probation than expecting a fair hearing off these cretins. They want a guilty verdict and our destruction, the possibility of the accused being completely innocent doesn't come into the equation.

Friend, relative bloke in the chippy they’d get fucked off.
This is what we’re up against, I just spoke to my cousin (rednose) about the City/Chelsea match and he said “well none of that matters when you’re in the conference” so I educated him on the charges, Parry ,Gill and the yanks, UEFA and CASS and the fact all these top professionals were being accused of fraud and he just said “I thought you’d overcooked the sponsorships for hundreds of millions, oh well thanks for boring me to death “. That’s the issue, because of the tribalism they swallow everything the dicks in the msm feed them because wanting us to be guilty is more fun than us winning trophies and finding the truth.
Tell him the cheat charges make it sweeter... It makes their pain worse.

There's no arguing with tribalism except telling them you enjoy their pain and anguish and how this has badly affected their very lives.

There is no other way you can win that. Especially when you realise that even a not guilty finding, total exoneration of all charges etc, none of that would stop the accusations. You'd still be having the same conversations with those opposition fans.

Drink their tears. It really hurts them so much more.
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