PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They are complete arseholes at work, in the pub or the chippy. Most rags of this type are disliked by just about everyone, no matter who they support and laughing at them works better for me.

If it works, my brother in law used too laugh at them. I’m more wanting to squeeze every last drop of life out of their limp body.

This isn’t bullshit it the truth. That I’ve told on here before.
I walked in the the starter hut at Worsley Marriott golf club with my City baseball cap on. As I walked in someone I didn’t know and never seen before said “fuckin hell they’re coming out of the woodwork” I said I don’t know who the fuck you are or who the fuck you support, but whoever you fucking are and whoever you fucking support we are above you in the league so FUCK OFF!!!.

He didn’t speak again. He just walked out.
This is what we’re up against, I just spoke to my cousin (rednose) about the City/Chelsea match and he said “well none of that matters when you’re in the conference” so I educated him on the charges, Parry ,Gill and the yanks, UEFA and CASS and the fact all these top professionals were being accused of fraud and he just said “I thought you’d overcooked the sponsorships for hundreds of millions, oh well thanks for boring me to death “. That’s the issue, because of the tribalism they swallow everything the dicks in the msm feed them because wanting us to be guilty is more fun than us winning trophies and finding the truth.
I would add - and I've said this before - that if it was United in the dock plenty of our fans would assume they were guilty as well so let's not kid ourselves that our fanbase is any different in that respect.

What I have learnt myself throughout all this is that we should let due process take place, regardless of which club it is that's being accused.
Hi guys I am new on here, although I am a lifelong city fan, my first game was Tottenham at home, we won 5-2, iconic game, Brian Horton was the manager at the time, I have decided to come on to let you fellow city fans know that this is a topic I am really passionate about, just wanting to let people know that I feel like us as fans have kind of been left in the dark over these charges, and so I have personally gone out of my way to approach some of the senior people at city as to what will happen in regards to these charges, just before Christmas I approached Omar Barrada after a leauge home game, he was walking with his 2 kids to his car parked in the car park facing the main entrance of the Colin bell stand, I asked him that me and other sections of the city fan base are a little worried over these charges, he said don’t worry about it, we have nothing to hide, I also approached Tixi most recently after the Everton game, I asked him the same question, his response was Ahh Rubbish!! Rubbish!! I have even asked Mike summerbee and he said don’t worry about it!! The feeling I get from the club is that they are really not worrisome about this whole case, unlike some city fans like me who are worried typical city will resurface and we get the book thrown at us, anyway just thought I would let fans on here know, also this is my first post on here, took a lot for me to post this, but just felt I had to let people know,
PL now taking long months to investigate Chelsea on something they self admitted months ago. past accounting tricks, shady payments under Abra to agents, other shady stuff as well.

wonder how long its gonna take them to charge them and then to set up a panel for that too for something Chelsea reported themselves.
If it works, my brother in law used too laugh at them. I’m more wanting to squeeze every last drop of life out of their limp body.

This isn’t bullshit it the truth. That I’ve told on here before.
I walked in the the starter hut at Worsley Marriott golf club with my City baseball cap on. As I walked in someone I didn’t know and never seen before said “fuckin hell they’re coming out of the woodwork” I said I don’t know who the fuck you are or who the fuck you support, but whoever you fucking are and whoever you fucking support we are above you in the league so FUCK OFF!!!.

He didn’t speak again. He just walked out.

115 charges incoming from the golf club :)
If it works, my brother in law used too laugh at them. I’m more wanting to squeeze every last drop of life out of their limp body.

This isn’t bullshit it the truth. That I’ve told on here before.
I walked in the the starter hut at Worsley Marriott golf club with my City baseball cap on. As I walked in someone I didn’t know and never seen before said “fuckin hell they’re coming out of the woodwork” I said I don’t know who the fuck you are or who the fuck you support, but whoever you fucking are and whoever you fucking support we are above you in the league so FUCK OFF!!!.

He didn’t speak again. He just walked out.
I would have done the same in that position. It's the rag pub bores that you know who really just need to be laughed at and treated with the contempt they deserve. Getting angry with these maggots just feeds their ego.
I would have done the same in that position. It's the rag pub bores that you know who really just need to be laughed at and treated with the contempt they deserve. Getting angry with these maggots just feeds their ego.

They are complete arseholes at work, in the pub or the chippy. Most rags of this type are disliked by just about everyone, no matter who they support and laughing at them works better for me.

The vast majority have learnt to keep their heads down over the last 12 years or so.
If it works, my brother in law used too laugh at them. I’m more wanting to squeeze every last drop of life out of their limp body.

This isn’t bullshit it the truth. That I’ve told on here before.
I walked in the the starter hut at Worsley Marriott golf club with my City baseball cap on. As I walked in someone I didn’t know and never seen before said “fuckin hell they’re coming out of the woodwork” I said I don’t know who the fuck you are or who the fuck you support, but whoever you fucking are and whoever you fucking support we are above you in the league so FUCK OFF!!!.

He didn’t speak again. He just walked out.
It wasn't that **** Rick Shiels was it?
Exactly. If we're cleared then it's irrelevant what all the clueless bitter cunts think. In any case, I find match-going fans of all clubs aren't usually the ones peddling the cheats line. The odd one, yes, but most don't even feel the need to discuss it as they're more arsed about the fortunes of their own club. For all the others who have invested everything in us being found guilty, they're going to be on suicide watch if we win the case.
That’s the problem. Most people who call city cheats consume talksport, sky sports, YouTube and Twitter 24/7. What they see and hear becomes the truth and a convenient coping mechanism for their own teams failures.

City bashing either makes money or is used as a form of dumping years of frustration having watched the blues win everything on offer. We all joke but it’s now embedded in their minds so who really is the loser here? The team that just won 5 trophies or the tormented fans of our rivals?

Broke them FC is what we should be called -:)
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