PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The thing I don't understand with the Mancini thing is why on earth would we need to pay him underhanded. He wasn't really that sought after at the time, and we were probably the most interesting job in football. Any manager, certainly one without a job, would be attracted to us at the time without the lure of an extra wage

And we didn’t need to fiddle the books because FFP didn’t exist.
As Stefan said, these are extremely serious allegations. There is not much middle ground here. I’m hopeful that the PL, like UEFA, have gone all in, in an attempt to look strong and appease certain clubs, but now have a big job on their hands to prove their allegations. As the CAS ruling said, it would “mean that not only [Manchester City] lied to the [Football Association] and UEFA, but also that accountancy firms such as BDO, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and AlixPartners […] were all misled”. That’s a very big claim.
The PL have made a huge gamble here. They don't want to be regulated by the government, thereby letting another bunch of corrupt individuals muscle in on their own corruption. Consequently, they've made a play to keep the government out of their affairs by sacrificing us on the altar of their sheer greed. This is as existential for the PL as it is for us. Thankfully, they don't seem to be very bright given the mistakes made in their initial press-release today which leads me to believe that given a fair wind we'll bury the cunts. It's being given a fair wind that has me worried.
Stefan is but one voice among many and much as I respect him, he appears a bit gloomy and depressed atm
The ultimate outcome of all this will be, imo, us taking another reluctant ‘pinch’ and maybe a fine/one transfer window ban for the trumped up non-co-operation bullshit
I’m not sure a ‘pinch’ is possible when you have accused a organisation of deliberately producing false accounts for 9 years.

The accusations are so serious the public would not accept that as a solution imo. It has simply gone too far and one way or the other one side of this is going to be badly damaged.
Stefan is but one voice among many and much as I respect him, he appears a bit gloomy and depressed atm
The ultimate outcome of all this will be, imo, us taking another reluctant ‘pinch’ and maybe a fine/one transfer window ban for the trumped up non-co-operation bullshit
really don't see why City should pay another penny for competing as a football club in a football league. Bad behaviour on the pitch, fans fighting, racist chants yeah no problem fines galore but wanting to compete? Madness.
Now that we’re here, I’d love to actually know how much we could get a sponsor for now. If we didn’t have Etihad, compared to the other top clubs, I wonder if a company would give us a competitive deal. Or would it just be Thomas Cook or first advice!

I still feel like we can’t generate the same kind of legit revenue than the global teams. We probably can’t sell as many corporate seats, and I’m not sure I want us to. And if we have to accept the consequences of that, then I’m fine with that. A few years of cheating to beat the reds a bit, and then a few years playing lower leagues again. Fine by me. ‘my football journey’ as someone once said.
The hateful 8 seem to have shrunk to 6 because maybe the penny has finally dropped, particularly with their supporters of all the others, that this means they will probably never win anything again. They are doomed to the ignomy of beaten finalists at best.
When they're not plotting to destroy Newcastle, everything will be carved up between the five, (and spurs who will continue to win nothing).
The turkeys voted for Christmas.
Why have they waited 9 years to suddenly come out with this?

Anything to do with the two red mardarse clubs being up for sale and it's the yanks last throw of the dice to try and bring us down?

It is very odd that it's just blown up like it has, very weird.
That’s what I mean. Have they known about this for a long time and they’ve been waiting for a case so solid they think they’ve got us by the balls. How does this information just suddenly be found?

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