PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I hate the way it's "The Premier League" who have made these allegations. Why can't the people who are allegating put their name to it? Brian Smith from the Premier league or Bob whatever. At least then we would know who it is we are up against.
We will fight in the courts
We fight on the playing fields
We will fight the media
And even if for a moment which I don’t believe
Subjugated and are starved of the truth we all are all part of Manchester City and it’s empire we shall never never never give up
We shall never surrender.
Thank you Bernard Manning 1975
If it was one or two allegations I wouldn’t lose sleep. It’s the fact that the premier league are saying that for 9 fucking years we’ve been providing false accounts etc it’s just mental. Faith in the club but this is going to linger on and on don’t see any positives.
The posive is we prove 99 charges are absolute bolocks
But the one technicality will still mean we are guilty ti the likes of Delaney and Harris
Im sure I'm being pretty dumb here but one contract is with City and the other with Al Jizera. So why would City need to declare to the EPL that Mancini was also paid by them? There is nothing my non lawyerly brain reads in the 2009/10 handbook about says any related party or football group stuff needs to be declared although I did read some stuff around that in later contracts. Anyhoo maybe getting stuck in the weeds here as I haven't read the rules in other years.
I don’t think the Mancini stuff is really the smoking gun that some are claiming tbh.
If it was one or two allegations I wouldn’t lose sleep. It’s the fact that the premier league are saying that for 9 fucking years we’ve been providing false accounts etc it’s just mental. Faith in the club but this is going to linger on and on don’t see any positives.
Why have they waited 9 years to suddenly come out with this?

Anything to do with the two red mardarse clubs being up for sale and it's the yanks last throw of the dice to try and bring us down?

It is very odd that it's just blown up like it has, very weird.
Have you noticed that Lipton doesn’t name the teams?

It’s always the same with these old Skool hacks. Decades of lieing, bullshitting, making stories and headlines up.

They’ll always create click-bait headlines, but they won’t ever reveal the source, player, team or club.
I’m surprised he’s still holding down a job tbh. A relic from the Hold The Back Page days with Woolnough & the gang iirc. I genuinely thought Lipton was quite elderly by now. Maybe he’s just had a hard life!

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