PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

fwiw I’d say he was above average intelligence, but yes, doubtless thinks he’s smarter than that. I would say he’s sharp, shrewd and reasonably articulate, but he’s no @Chris in London !
He’s been around the game long enough to know which way the winds blowing and uses that to his advantage. Helped by the fact most utd fans just want to hear what they want to hear and old rat features is happy to oblige.
He’s been around the game long enough to know which way the winds blowing and uses that to his advantage. Helped by the fact most utd fans just want to hear what they want to hear and old rat features is happy to oblige.
Completely agree with this; he is definitely a rat faced ****.
You have to laugh. Gary Neville cannot understand how Citys revenue can be higher than uniteds. So let me get this straight Gary, the most publicised, Investigated, commented on sponsorship contract deals in World football, where the values for the major sponsors contracts were openly discussed and stated in court findings.

Where new shirt manufacturers sponsorship deal values are openly available on the Internet along with revenue from all competitions and you can include TV revenue in with that too.

Better still open sources like Swiss Ramble who do a fantastic job of laying it all out for you. Your rags have won next to fuck all in a decade where City have hoovered up silverware after silverware. Yet you still cannot understand? I'd suggest you're thick as a pisstone then Gary. Either that or you're lying through your back teeth to appease and confirm the conspiracy theorists amongst your dickhead twitter following and other morons who listen to your utterings on social media platforms. I suspect its the latter so just fuck off Gary, you're fucking boring us with your uninformed bullshit.

This is where City should respond.

Instead they leave it and let the insinuations fester.
As i have said time and again, you will never go broke appealing to idiots, you only have to look at trump and tate to see this phenomenom, the slightly less stupid take advantage of the completetely hard of thinking by shouting big words with confidence to make themselves seem informed and in on a big secret that you'll never get unless you listen to them and by following them you can also blame everyone else but yourself for your woes as thats the easiest thing to do, its conning people 101.
This is where City should respond.

Instead they leave it and let the insinuations fester.
I can understand and live with the club’s current silence on the proceedings, and in actual fact it makes sense. The fear is when this all collapses, as it’s now pointing towards, that the response at that point is both effete and anodyne. That would seriously piss me off.
I can understand and live with the club’s current silence on the proceedings, and in actual fact it makes sense. The fear is when this all collapses, as it’s now pointing towards, that the response at that point is both effete and anodyne. That would seriously piss me off.
The club are actually very smart with their silence, shooting down is never a good look from a pr standpoint and thats what city would be doing, answering back would give it credence it does not deserve, better to let it be known as hot air from a madman than give it any kind of credibility.
I watched a video yesterday with Goldstein and Bent discussing briefly with the female (evertonian) boxer, Molly something or other. They were talking about some vendetta against Everton (lot of shite) and obviously the talk came to their charges and punishment and we got our mention.
The issue with this is Molly asks Goldstein if we will get a point deduction and his answer was probably no, not because we don’t deserve points deducted but because of ‘money’
No mention or hint that we might actually be innocent just a flat out they’ll escape sanctions because ‘ money’
These are the cunts we need to go after. Bury them and ruin them.
Well they will have had six years to write the statement so you’d hope they get it right.

I do agree however, if the verdict goes in our favour the statement should be breathing fire over the football world.

You only get one chance at that statement and it will be the reference point for the club’s position in perpetuity.

MCFC statement:

If you come at the king you best not miss.

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