PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I don't know if this is correct or even true but I recall a story being told about Khaldoon and Mansour while students in America, not allowed to enter a big nightclub in Miami due to them being non white, so they bought a nightclub very close to the one that refused them entrance and made it so successful it put the other one out of business. If there is a grain of truth in that, that's the Khaldoon, Mansour we need to see right now . Like I said I do not know if true but it's a story I heard couple of years back . Can anyone verify this ?
Look, regardless of any stories these guys are light years ahead of the likes of the Premier League when it comes to legal matters. They deal in contract law with deals valued in hundreds of millions on a regular basis without batting an eyelid. This is about as serious to them as a parking ticket is to you and me, and I have every confidence that they know what they're doing when it comes to operating a business, whether that business is a football club or a 7 star hotel in Dubai.

As for the PL, this is just a witch hunt at best, they've never been happy that we snuck in and stole the glory from their pet clubs (you know who they are). The sad thing is when you look at what the club's owners have done and the money they have poured into projects around the club, the PL should be proud and use their achievements as good publicity for the league around the world, not do the exact opposite. I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if the likes of united and Liverpool have something to do with this.
I call bollocks on this piece from the Athletic. Ex-player or ex-coach turned “informer” - really ? if there is ANY substance behind it will be around a trivial matter.
Yeah, like they would know anything at all about the club's finances? Utter pile of crap.
It’s going to be an absolute pile on from the media and opposition fans for the next few months (years) until we are (hopefully) exonerated - in the meantime we are going to need thick skins and a sense of humour. Whatever happens we will still be there week in, week out and whether its vs Bayern or Borehamwood.

Was thinking we might need to update a few songs to show that we really don’t give a f*ck.

I’m no Noel Gallagher but maybe something like this to the tune of “we never win at home …”

Oh we spent loads of cash and ignored fair play
Banned by UEFA but we got away
We won’t give a fuck if it goes tits up
M C F C - Always

Shit, I know but you get the idea …..
They danced on our grave when UEFA tried to kick us out of European competition for two years for serious FFP breaches. We laughed them out of court once and can do it again, the problem is even if we win again the hatred spewed at us will be about paying for expensive lawyers to make problems go away, yadda yadda yadda
My thoughts exactly. In fact I've just said the same thing re. Chelsea and united. Chelsea most certainly haven't earned £400m in the past year and as you say, united owe millions so they shouldn't be able to spend anything, so what the fuck is going on?

If we haven't been co-operating then where do they have the information from to charge us with anything?
I would be very wary of taking comfort from the CAS outcome. City are explicitly forbidden from appealing to the CAS in this case. And who the hell is supposed to be the independent party that chooses the "independent tribunals" that will determine the initial judgement, and (as I understand it) any initial appeal? It would appear to be whoever the accusers decide that they consider is independent: could anything be more transparently NOT about independence? I fear that we will have to rely ultimately on real courts of justice, not commissions stacked against us by our enemies.
Mike Keegan writes this which gets lost in paragraphs & pages of bullshit by his fellow scribes.

The second is that they felt backed into a corner under pressure to act from City's main rivals. What cannot be disputed is that City, aided by deep pockets and with their reputation on the line, will defend themselves with everything they have.
Yeah, like they would know anything at all about the club's finances? Utter pile of crap.

An "informer" isn't much use without the actual evidence to back it up. Unless this "informer" has copies of bank statements on both sides of transactions in, apparently, up to 100 cases, it's just heresay.

To paraphrase CAS, I doubt the balance of probability is in favour of a multi-year fraudulent scheme involving club contracts, club executives, non-executives, shareholders, sponsors and all their respective accounting firms over some gossip from disgruntled former employees. If they can't show actual evidence, they won't stand a chance.
Cheers for the correction. I thought illegally gained information couldn’t be used in UK courts. My bad

Completely agree with your post, everyone bends the rules & would be foolish not to in order to gain advantages over your competition
My understanding is that it can't be used unless it was legally obtained. Probably depends what it is and how it was obtained, but this is the PL, not a law court so it's irrelevant anyway. PL can make up the rules to suit themselves.
Mike Keegan writes this which gets lost in paragraphs & pages of bullshit by his fellow scribes.

The second is that they felt backed into a corner under pressure to act from City's main rivals. What cannot be disputed is that City, aided by deep pockets and with their reputation on the line, will defend themselves with everything they have.
City are also funding the plaintiff as they own 5% of the PL, who also have deep pockets.
They danced on our grave when UEFA tried to kick us out of European competition for two years for serious FFP breaches. We laughed them out of court once and can do it again, the problem is even if we win again the hatred spewed at us will be about paying for expensive lawyers to make problems go away, yadda yadda yadda
You are absolutely right about yadda, yadda etc. but in a sense it's not a problem, it's to be expected given the deeply flawed nature of the human species.

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