PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Just watched the uplifting Netflix treble documentary. Loved it. But made me think about these charges again. We cannot let the vested interests pressing for these “115“ charges sully that treble or the Sergio moment, or the centurions, or three/four in a row and so on. Have had enough of this hanging over us. Watching the tears of the players last year and reliving the emotion of the trip to Istanbul highlighted how much I just do not want any of that tainted.

Not sure that adds to the thread, gives any solutions at all but I just had to get it off my chest. Sorry!
Not quite. The PSR/FFP assessment takes in 3 rolling years of data, and comes up with a single figure of aggregate losses.

So a loss of £150m will impact three separate assessments. One of the good outcomes from our 2014 settlement with UEFA was that our previous losses were ignored in subsequent years, and we had to meet a different single-year threshold over each of the following two years. The PL, as has become apparent, hadn't thought through any of this coherently. Had it done, they might have adopted a similar approach to UEFA's.

The '115 charges' as I've said, is complete smoke and mirrors. There are 5 charges in total but only two of those, 1 & 2, relate to substantive accounting issues. If the PL can't land those, then charges 3 & 4 automatically fail, as they're totally dependent on 1 & 2. That leaves charge 5, of non-cooperation.

As I said earlier, I really can't imagine a believable scenario where they find against us on the sponsorship charge in 2014 but not 2016. Or where they find against us under one or two rules in one year but not the others we're accused of breaking under that heading in any specific year.
3 year rolling period why does that matter if it’s say 16 17 and 18 and the next three are 19 20 21 why does it cross over
I had to go back to refresh my memory on what we're alleged to have done.

Details of the Premier League Rules that the Club is alleged to have breached are as follows:

1. In respect of each of Seasons 2009/10 to 2017/18 inclusive, the Premier League Rules applicable in those seasons that required provision by a member club to the Premier League, in the utmost good faith, of accurate financial information that gives a true and fair view of the club’s financial position, in particular with respect to its revenue (including sponsorship revenue), its related parties and its operating costs, namely:
(a) for Season 2009/10, Premier League Rules B.13, C.71, C.72 and C.75 (from 10 September 2009, Premier League Rules B.13, C.71, C.72, C.79 and C.80);
(b) for Season 2010/11, Premier League Rules B.13, C.78, C.79, C.86 and C.87;
(c) for Season 2011/12, Premier League Rules B.13, C.78, C.79, C.86 and C.87;
(d) for Season 2012/13, Premier League Rules B.16, E.3, E.4, E.11 and E.12;
(e) for Season 2013/14, Premier League Rules B.15, E.3, E.4, E.11, E.12 and E.49;
(f) for Season 2014/15, Premier League Rules B.16, E.3, E.4, E.11, E.12 and E.50;
(g) for Season 2015/16, Premier League Rules B.16, E.3, E.4, E.11, E.12 and E.50;
(h) for Season 2016/17, Premier League Rules B.16, E.3, E.4, E.11, E.12 and E.51; and
(i) for Season 2017/18, Premier League Rules B.16, E.3, E.4, E.11, E.12 and E.51.

2. In respect of:
(a) each of Seasons 2009/10 to 2012/13 inclusive, the Premier League Rules applicable in those Seasons requiring a member club to include full details of manager remuneration in its relevant contracts with its manager, namely:

(1) for Seasons 2009/10 to 2011/12 inclusive, Premier League Rules Q.7 and Q.8; and
(2) for Season 2012/13, Premier League Rules P.7 and P.8; and
(b) each of Seasons 2010/11 to 2015/16 inclusive, the Premier League Rules applicable in those Seasons requiring a member club to include full details of player remuneration in its relevant contracts with its players, namely:
(1) for Seasons 2010/11 and 2011/12, Premier League Rules K.12 and K.20;
(2) for Season 2012/13, Premier League Rules T.12 and T.20;
(3) for Seasons 2013/14 and 2014/15, Premier League Rules T.12 and T.19; and
(4) for Season 2015/16, Premier League Rules T.13 and T.20.

3. In respect of each of Seasons 2013/14 to 2017/18 inclusive, the Premier League Rules applicable in those Seasons requiring a member club to comply with UEFA’s regulations, including UEFA’s Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations, namely:
(a) for Season 2013/14, Premier League Rule B.14.6; and
(b) for Seasons 2014/15 to 2017/18 inclusive, Premier League Rule B.15.6.

4. In respect of each of the Seasons 2015/16 to 2017/18 inclusive, the Premier League Rules applicable in those Seasons on Profitability and Sustainability, namely:
(a) for Season 2015/16, Premier League Rules E.52 to E.60; and
(b) for Seasons 2016/17 and 2017/18, Premier League Rules E.53 to E.60.

5. In respect of the period from December 2018 to date, the Premier League Rules applicable in the relevant Seasons requiring a member club to cooperate with, and assist, the Premier League in its investigations, including by providing documents and information to the Premier League in the utmost good faith, namely:
(a) for Season 2018/19, Premier League Rules B.16, B.19, W.1, W.2, W.12 and W.13;
(b) for Season 2019/20, Premier League Rules B.16, B.19, W.1, W.2, W.12 and W.13;
(c) for Season 2020/21, Premier League Rules B.16, B.19, W.1, W.2, W.12 and W.13;
(d) for Season 2021/22, Premier League Rules B.15, B.18, W.1, W.2, W.12 and W.13; and
(e) for Season 2022/23, Premier League Rules B.15, B.18, W.1, W.2, W.15 and W.16.

So, if I've got this right:-

1. Cooked the books in regards to sponsorship and perhaps Fordham?
2. Mancini
3. Failing UEFA FFP? Obviously(?) can't be right?
4. Failing P&S
5. Failure to cooperate

Am I well wide of the mark on any of that?
So that's 132 charges listed, now we could logically reduce the 9 Accurate financial info ones to 5 due to the handbook changing mid season (How fucking daft is that as an aside?) So that would make 128, so how the fuck did some cockwomble in the media get 115 and why did no twunt correct the cockwomble that cant count?
There's no sensible way of grouping the charges by season or period to get 115 that I can see.
So that's 132 charges listed, now we could logically reduce the 9 Accurate financial info ones to 5 due to the handbook changing mid season (How fucking daft is that as an aside?) So that would make 128, so how the fuck did some cockwomble in the media get 115 and why did no twunt correct the cockwomble that cant count?
There's no sensible way of grouping the charges by season or period to get 115 that I can see.
MCFC... Ruining counting since 2008 ;)
I quite like that we were charged after a 4 year investigation, why 4 years?

Surely if they believed they had anyting on us after 2 years they would have just charged us then.

i suspect a lot of smoke and mirrors.

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