PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

They should be detached from the mainland and allowed to float away, that is what they want anyway and perhaps they'll bump up against the ROI and everyone will be happy.

Thing is probably a small minority hail from Merseyside. It’s instead a broad church of weirdos indoctrinated with Liverpool football club and have Stockholm syndrome for Scousers all trying their hardest to impress their fellow cultists with how they can out cult each other on being the most passionate Liverpool supporter. Hence on this occasion this disturbed individual is recommending bombing places where crowds gather in Manchester, very poor choice of words when people died at a concert in 2017 in this city.
I'm shocked that the mods allowed that post to get shown.
Surely it has been deleted by now.
No. Lots of downplaying though. Quotes that he did say he would phone ahead, and that nobody would die anyway as the stadium is always empty.

I don’t condone violence, but it sure would be funny if that poster was to meet the fist of a rather large bloke once or twice.
I assume this is must made up nonsense, like 99% of contributions to that thread?
The only comparison made was along the lines of "scousers should know better than anyone else than to assume City is guilty when it's all just media opinion. They suffered it for decades with Hillsborough "
Thing is probably a small minority hail from Merseyside. It’s instead a broad church of weirdos indoctrinated with Liverpool football club and have Stockholm syndrome for Scousers all trying their hardest to impress their fellow cultists with how they can out cult each other on being the most passionate Liverpool supporter. Hence on this occasion this disturbed individual is recommending bombing places where crowds gather in Manchester, very poor choice of words when people died at a concert in 2017 in this city.
I’ve said this for a while. I’m a Manc married to a girl from the Wirall. She’s a Liverpool supporter but doesn’t like the fanbase one bit. City is her second team. The thing that annoys her most is that the club keeps telling the fans that they are special and that they are “more than a club” Her response is that they need to get over themselves and ditch the poetry. The club’s support for Suarez and the t shirts started it all for her. She has tried to switch teams to City but can’t and I respect her for that. I would never change whatever City did.
I'm shocked that the mods allowed that post to get shown.
Surely it has been deleted by now.
Well that 'Jake' is still posting and has 13000 posts so presumably is well known on that forum.

I'm watching that thread as it's pretty hilarious stuff, but they all sound a bit unhinged. 'Jake' goes on to wish nice things for our owner ...


I reckon 'Jake' is about 13 years old* judging by his inability to control his anger. What a numpty.

*Either actually or mentally anyway.
People might wonder what a few mentally unstable barmpots over on RAWK and Red Cafe say has to do with the subject matter, to me it was always a muck raking exercise, whoever set the hare running (and we all have our suspicions) knew exactly what they were doing, they were setting a narrative knowing that your average football fan only ever reads headlines (115 charges has a catchy ring to it) so when nothing happens City will be accused of paying them off the normal nonsense about backhanders etc)

The charges are not that important it's the narrative they set, the whole thing was designed to damage City and it's reputation and they have done, perhaps not fatally but severely

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