PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It's not a legal case in the sense of what most people recognise.
Possibly not, but it’s a dispute that arises out of a legal agreement that is subject to and will be enforced via English and Welsh law and it is therefore undeniably a legal case.

If you’d said that isn’t what most people would recognise as a legal case then you might very well be correct.
This isn’t that complicated. There’s 2 parts.

1) Each club can spend 85% of revenue. This is agreed on and happening.

2) No club can spend more than 6x revenue of 20th team. Things agreed on principle but details tbc and voted on again.

Nowhere are Luton going to be allowed to spend £560m a year on wages and transfers, that would break PSR, wouldn’t it?

The only thing this does is make sure that the gap between top and bottom doesn’t grow too big by incentivising the top clubs to keep growing the revenues of the league as a whole.
Not quite as they’re proposing a 2 tier system. Qualify for European competition and you mirror UEFA rules at 70% of revenue. Not qualifying for Europe, 85% of revenue is the proposal. Currently would make no real difference to City domestically, but will potentially hamper Villa and the Bar-codes.
Where it will make a difference is in Europe. If City and Madrid both earned £900M, under these proposals, Madrid could spend £630M in a season and City, if the ‘anchor point’ is set at 4.5 for example, could only spend £450. This is why the multiple of that anchor point becomes vital. A multiple of 6 not much difference, 4.5 pretty significant.
Legal cases are also dealt with in arbitration, quasi courts or other tribunals.
No doubt. But I'll start crapping myself when City are faced with attending the Old Bailey, which I'm pretty sure we'd prefer.

If this was the case, I doubt this whole ridiculous Speckled Jim charade wouldn't have got past the CPS. This whole farce is a witchunt, & is a complete waste of time & money, purely in the pursuit of stopping City off the pitch because the Red Top Mafia & Spuds have failed to stop us on it.

That's the long & short of it, & we need to stop dressing it up to being something it clearly isn't.
Possibly not, but it’s a dispute that arises out of a legal agreement that is subject to and will be enforced via English and Welsh law and it is therefore undeniably a legal case.

If you’d said that isn’t what most people would recognise as a legal case then you might very well be correct.
I'm not getting into splitting hairs. City fans have been through enough, myself included.

Once I took a step back & took a global overview of these breaches, the thing that screams out is no mention of fraud, when that's essentially what we're being accused of.

Given the choice of going through what we are, & the PL having the balls to use the term fraud, I think City would prefer them to use the term & to settle it for once & for all in court of law.

We've done fuck all wrong in UK Law. They may have a claim of breach of contract, but if this is the case, why not make a claim against us in the Civil courts & see how that pans out?

Nah man, they'd get laughed the fuck out of court. The only way this has been hyped up to the levels it has is because the PL control the process & the narrative, hence why they're desperate to avoid the introduction of IREF.

Some serious dots need connecting here, & we need to stop unduly trying to scare the crap out of our fans who just want to enjoy the most success ladened period in City's history.

All this "legal case" bollocks isn't helping.
I think Irish football used to be a single all Ireland league but split on religious lines.
It extended to almost everything. Try getting a job in Dublin at that time if you were a protestant etc etc.
Guiness was a London Company that moved to Dublin for tax reasons. The entire family converted to Catholicism.
In fairness the reverse was true in n.ireland. Thus, for example, a body had to be set up to ensure that catholics there got a fair shake in the housing market.
You're not wrong about the split in Irish football. After that, I'm afraid, you're all over the place.
There would have been some shameful anti-Protestant attacks (often - but certainly not always - the settling of personal scores) in the immediate aftermath of independence but it really didn't last very long in the Republic. Mostly because the small Protestant population (6% or so) posed no threat to anybody.
Trinity College Dublin (back, in the day, an exclusively Protestant institution was guaranteed representation in the Seanad (equivalent to the House of Lords) in the 1930s and before Douglas Hyde - the first President elected in independent Ireland - was a Protestant.
There was no gerrymandering of votes, no active discrimination in housing and employment like there was against Catholics in Northern Ireland. It's simply not accurate to equate the two.
All Irish cities still have active Protestant Cathedrals that are still in regular use. Small towns like Killaloe and Bandon in Clare and Cok still are and always have been predominantly Protestant.
Arthur and the rest of the Guinness family were famously Protestant Dubliners (and Unionists too). Their business was always rather successful than say, the Catholic-owned (I think) Murphys. I have no idea if they have converted since. Like most people in Ireland (as opposed to Norn Iron), I simply don't care.
Given the Rags also voted against the proposals today I thought i would nip over to the CAF to see their opinion. No surprise to see they have had more posts on our 115 Breaches thread than on the new proposals.

Even less surprising is that there isnt a single comment anywhere suggesting that we may in fact be innocent, if we "get away with it" then it will be due to bribes, corruption, politcal pressure etc..

One thing is for sure there will be a complete meltdown over there whenever to findings are released.
Just one more thought. Won’t this just drive the “big“ clubs in the premier league to look at a European Super League again ?
You've got to think they would. Why the fuck would investors stay in a league, that's been the most attractive market in world football, after it's been turned into a fucking pubs league CO-OP ?
Given the Rags also voted against the proposals today I thought i would nip over to the CAF to see their opinion. No surprise to see they have had more posts on our 115 Breaches thread than on the new proposals.

Even less surprising is that there isnt a single comment anywhere suggesting that we may in fact be innocent, if we "get away with it" then it will be due to bribes, corruption, politcal pressure etc..

One thing is for sure there will be a complete meltdown over there whenever to findings are released.
No surprise there then. It's a special place for a special species, of bottom dwelling, pillow biting, cunts.

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