PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

The red top clubs and spurs created this lie over 10 years ago.
They fueled the lie and fed the flames to the fans all over the world.
With the help of paid for opinion piece so called journalists to pour more fuel on the fire every fuckin day.
They can all fuck off and stop watching football.
They "all of them" including the fans of other clubs created and contributed to the lie that we are cheats , so when we are proven to be innocent ( which I still find ludicrous that we should have to) the lot of em can go cry in a big bowl of soup together.
I think Irish football used to be a single all Ireland league but split on religious lines.
It extended to almost everything. Try getting a job in Dublin at that time if you were a protestant etc etc.
Guiness was a London Company that moved to Dublin for tax reasons. The entire family converted to Catholicism.
In fairness the reverse was true in n.ireland.
A former work colleague of mine claimed that the split between the Irish League and the League of Ireland happened before partition. I was not convinced and looked it up.

Most of the teams in the Irish League from its formation in 1890 were from the Belfast area. The clubs from the then Irish Free State (Shelbourne and Bohemians) left on partition in 1919-20. They subsequently joined the new League of Ireland in 1921.

Irish Nationalists and Republicans always dismissed football (and cricket) as 'garrison' sports and opted for GAA sports.

Subsequently there were inter-league matches between the Irish League and the League of Ireland. My work colleague, from North Belfast, claimed that both teams wanted to play in green.

'How will we know who is in which team? was the obvious question. 'Sure, we will be able to tell!' said the Northern Irish representative.
Masters presiding over the biggest act of commercial incompetence, gross misconduct and dereliction of duty in the history of commerce - never-mind sporting history. Talk about missed opportunities for investment and cementing the PL as the most prestigious in the World for years to come
All to appease the protectionist cowards. The man needs stringing up - but having no backbone, he'd just flutter. Complete imbecile.
This isn’t that complicated. There’s 2 parts.

1) Each club can spend 85% of revenue. This is agreed on and happening.

2) No club can spend more than 6x revenue of 20th team. Things agreed on principle but details tbc and voted on again.

Nowhere are Luton going to be allowed to spend £560m a year on wages and transfers, that would break PSR, wouldn’t it?

The only thing this does is make sure that the gap between top and bottom doesn’t grow too big by incentivising the top clubs to keep growing the revenues of the league as a whole.

Thanks for that summation.

I can see why clubs that earn more would resist it. If a club earns 10 times as much as the bottom one, it is no longer 85% of their revenue they can spent, but rather 60%. Isn't going to bring the bottom club closer to them, but might help their nearest rival who despite earning less can spend 85% of their revenue and match the spending.
Because the terms of the agreement between the PL and the clubs provides as such.
Well most can see this process for what it is. We could've had terms of agreement to ensure we washed up our tea mugs after use at the Etihad. Technically it's an agreement between two parties, but I'd love them to take us to a civil court on this basis.

Not washing up our tea mugs maybe against the PL's "rules", but it's not illegal in UK Law. This is the crucial point being overlooked.

You can worry yourself to death if you choose to, but I trust in City & the club believe they have irrefutable evidence to prove we're not in breach of the PL's private members club "rules".

According to reports, we've issued warnings to several people spinning the "charges" "case" "legal" & "guilty" narrative. This is where City stand, & I stand & agree with our club 100%. It's a pile of bullshit designed to halt our progress by any means necessary.

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