PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Anyone faced with rag cretins like this, just remind them they're under investigation by HMRC over image rights payments to players.

The allegation is that they've overpaid these, which reduced their corporate tax & NI liabilities as the players themselves are personally liable to these. I'm told that HMRC are claiming a sum of somewhere in the region of £100m from them over these payments. That's potentially tax evasion.

If HMRC are right, then that means their expenses in the accounts will have been understated. I wonder if the PL will open an investigation, in the same way they're investigating our image rights payments via Fordham? Because they'll have done pretty well what we're accused of, which is presenting inaccurate accounts.
Fuckin hell id have lost him after 6 words.
Weird isn't it? It must be an age thing I guess.
If someone is fat, dumb, ugly, and smells like rotten eggs they'll flock to the guy who is telling them it's all Brad Pitt or Albert Einstein's fault. He's their "mirror, mirror on the wall". Comical and pathetic at the same time...
There is a media organization that all of us are legally forced to subscribe to, it's called the BBC and the annual fee is currently £169.50. They are absolutely front and central on the constant attacks into City and have been from day one. The content used by Der Spiegel and the Sunday Times was all provided by a group called "European Investigative Collaborations", ( the BBC are quite open about their leading role in that group. Last summer after the treble victory they ran a "115 Charges" story on BBC World presented by Ross Atkins. It was an absolute hatchet job that could have been scripted on Rag Cafe. Right at the very end after five minutes of besmirching the club, smearing the owners and sponsors it ended with the cursory "City deny any wrong doing". It's estimated that 320 million people watch BBC World. Although the BBC coverage of Co-Live morphed into a weird rant about Ms Tiffin on here, it was a perfect illustration how a good news story was turned into an attack on MCFC. There are far too many examples of Dan Roan and Simon Stone attacks to be mentioned here.

So I would say the BBC is the absolute litmus test of any change or moderation in the media treatment of the "115 Charges". I'll be watching them in the next few day...

[aside] has anyone noticed how they never mention anything negative about the owners of MCFC in the coverage of the Women's team. That must be caused by a "clash of BBC agendas"...

To be fair… the BBCs coverage of Women’s football is one big cockney knees up - it’s not interested in us it’s all about Chelsea and Arsenal… personally I can hardly understand a lot of what they say.

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