PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

if we are indeed cleared some journos have to visit job center the next day. some other ones probably the care center and few of the unhinged ones might do harm themselves seriously so they better get a straitjacket right now.
for sure some complete bullshit theories can be made up, we bought the independent panel, or UAE forced UK to get involved and make it go away and you can bet on many variations of these, but still this is the last chance for many haters. if we are cleared here, what they have left apart from "we (the hippo and the monkey) know you cheated"
At the risk of outing myself as thick as fuck, I struggle with the notion that preposterous charges have been brought by the EPL who must have sought the advice of competent lawyers before they did so. Genuine question to you - do you believe the EPL lawyers are thick as fuck also, or is it the case that the charges were issued by the EPL against legal advice?
For what it’s worth I trust Khaldoon‘s irrefutable evidence statement but as I say it seems virtually unthinkable that any responsible organisation would issue proceedings of such magnitude knowing such proceedings were doomed to fail
But you're OK with SM and Kaldoon being absolute shameless frauds of the greatest scale...and pretty dumb ones at that?
What if the charges were designed to just smear City? IE they (Like UEFA) know they will fail but the damage to the brand is the target.

Edit. So yes, against advice would be the implication. And from what I have heard from experts viewpoints - Why have the PL over reached themselves on this case so much

Of course that could all be bullshit if the PL do have something no one knows about.

What if the charges were designed to just smear City? IE they (Like UEFA) know they will fail but the damage to the brand is the target.

Edit. So yes, against advice would be the implication. And from what I have heard from experts viewpoints - Why have the PL over reached themselves on this case so much

Of course that could all be bullshit if the PL do have something no one knows about

What if the charges were designed to just smear City? IE they (Like UEFA) know they will fail but the damage to the brand is the target.

Edit. So yes, against advice would be the implication. And from what I have heard from experts viewpoints - Why have the PL over reached themselves on this case so much

Of course that could all be bullshit if the PL do have something no one knows about.
Just to smear City is a possibility I suppose but if correct it stinks to high heaven and suggests a total lack of thinking things through by the EPL.
If they do have evidence no one yet knows about (which i think highly unlikely) then City must be grandstanding in their protestations of innocence.
Another possibility is that they (EPL) set in motion a fishing expedition which City sought (unsuccessfully as it turned out) to squash hence the application to the commercial court. Stefan, on Twitter, expressses the view that City were, perhaps, ill advised to challenge the PL panel’s jurisdiction and/or objectivity or lack of it. It gave the media the excuse to accuse City of deliberate delaying tactics.
Incidentally in the published judgement, which both City and the PL would have preferred to keep private, one of City’s objections to its publication was the potentially detrimental effect on obtaining potential sponsors. In her reasons for ordering the judgement to be published the judge made the point that any would be sponsor could/would carry out due diligence before committing to sponsorship and since then City have taken on board mainstream sponsors (Kellogg I seem to recall) so that seems to give cause for optimism. Then again any new sponsorship agreement may have a conditional get out clause in the event City are found in breach.
it just goes round and round in my brain and I just wish the whole mess could be put to rest because there is little doubt that until that happens it’s open season on City baiting which is hard for us blues to continue to endure

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