PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think we can successfully argue the non co-operation allegations precisely because of CAS.

My understanding is that CAS were annoyed with City because had City provided the evidence to UEFA that they presented at CAS then they believed UEFA would have no option but to find that there was no evidence of their allegations.

The Premier League had access to the full CAS report and the evidence provided by City.

Unless The Premier League have new evidence that they could make specific requests of City then all they have been doing is fishing. In my opinion, but I might be talking bollocks.

Our argument would be that they didn't need the information requested, but any involvement I have had in legal proceedings - quite different to this I should add - are that procedural requirements are black and white and if information is requested we should be providing it regardless of our thoughts on whether it is relevant. I'm sure there are added complexities here, probably interlinked to the club's desire to keep things out of the public domain, but I would still anticipate a non-cooperation charge of some sort. That could be a suspended charge on the basis we comply in the future.
Personally, I’d find it hard to believe that such a threat was made. It would likely be seen as undiplomatic. However, if this had actually been intimated by Abu Dhabi at government level to the UK, I’d be surprised if it would make a difference. After all, it didn’t stop the Government putting the kibosh on the Abu Dhabi backed bid for the Telegraph and Spectator.

Also, the value of UAE investment in the UK is relatively small compared to that of other countries. In 2021, the UAE and the UK signed agreements for further inward investment into the UK and I’m not sure the UAE would renege on that. Even if they did, they would be replaced by other investors eager to take advantage of any fire sale. The UAE are far too smart for that. Lastly, this is really a matter for City, the Premier League and a multitude of lawyers. It would be inappropriate for either Government in my view, to involve itself in such a parochial matter.

Shankly was wrong. Football is not more important than life and death. Both the UK and UAE have far more weighty matters to concern them. Not least, the Israel/Gaza conflict, Iran, Yemen, Ukraine/Russia and China’s sabre rattling over Taiwan.
It was said in jest, however I’ve no doubt it will have been discussed, especially with the uk government.

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