PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This has been going on years now. I’m sure big Erl would have wanted cast iron assurances from our top brass before he signed
Not only that but a get out clause in his contract if we are relegated by the PL.
The best guys would stick it out. When we were awaiting the UEFA verdict KDB said he would happily serve one season barred from Europe, but not two.
what is it with blues accusing blues of being reds. I got the same treatment when I joined years ago. I said something obscure and the fucking blue police were out... Prove you're a blue, why you say that. Fuck me there's some twats about.

He's obviously a blue, he just doesnt post regulalrly (I guess some of you will hate him for that instead). He clearly knows and is interested in Yaya, sterling, stones etc just take a look at his posts and stop being shit.

As you were
Yeah it's a bit much, asking someone to prove they're a Blue who lives in America. Is he saying something like, if he cant prove it he should never post again on Bluemoon? If not, what is he saying?
I don't think there's much "obvious" or "clear", which is precisely the problem. Anyhow, unless it's accounting fraud and they pull titles (unlikely and unlikely), que sera, sera. Won't change how I support the club one bit. That's not denial -- it's called loyalty.
Just a hypothetical Fog, would you be angry and pissed off at the present ownership for breaking the rules and besmirching the name of our beloved club if it was proved we are guilty ?
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Just for the record, I am not @City_In_Chicago .

I just saw this hub hub and have been quietly minding my own business. Alas, it’s 2am in Milan and the jet lag clock devil has brought me to Bluemoon for a catch up.

Oh, and I don’t know who @City_In_Chicago is, either.

Always a fun ride on here! :-)

When did Simon Jordan become so outspoken about City in a negative way on Talksport, then suddenly switch his tune?! Very confusing!
Something else everyone should be considering is that the confidence coming from Man City could also be a ploy to help with player recruitment. Not saying that's the case but at some point players are going to ask if they'll be in league 2 in 2025.
I think it’s a ploy to cover up the fact that we plan to be disrespectful to the rags on Saturday and stuff them.
This thread is full of eejits in denial about the very real possibility the club could be torpedoed by the IC - obviously the Premier League feel they have enough to find us guilty having consulted/hired elite KC’s and are stepping on some very powerful toes due to our Abu Dhabi affiliation. They clearly have enough ammunition for it to get this far and to refuse to acknowledge that is silly, as is calling anybody who accepts this reality a closet rag/scouser.
What a bunch of tripe...
Tolmie……you certainly do not have to defend or justify yourself on here……if people haven’t got the intelligence to work out for themselves that the snippets you put out are in good faith, then that’s their problem….it certainly isn’t yours…..luckily it’s only a small minority or the very needy.

Blue moon is certainly a less interesting place with your reduced participation
Hear Hear!

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