PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This cannot be allowed to continue for much longer surely? It’s fucking draining. I get all that stuff about being the bigger person and not taking it on but that’s fine when money and distance insulates you from the worst of it. When you’re a fan even a well informed one it’s gruelling taking on the media, dickwads, and all comers who are half insane with jealousy. If this was a criminal case they would have had to lay charges and be satisfied we would get a fair hearing.. I am not sure that’s even possible. Anyway sorry I am just fucking sick of it, it’s inescapable, unfair and frankly everywhere. I don’t do much social media, don’t go out to work god bless blues who have to face fucking know-nowts, and spittle-flecked shouters On a daily basis the press is bad enough.
This cannot be allowed to continue for much longer surely? It’s fucking draining. I get all that stuff about being the bigger person and not taking it on but that’s fine when money and distance insulates you from the worst of it. When you’re a fan even a well informed one it’s gruelling taking on the media, dickwads, and all comers who are half insane with jealousy. If this was a criminal case they would have had to lay charges and be satisfied we would get a fair hearing.. I am not sure that’s even possible. Anyway sorry I am just fucking sick of it, it’s inescapable, unfair and frankly everywhere. I don’t do much social media, don’t go out to work god bless blues who have to face fucking know-nowts, and spittle-flecked shouters On a daily basis the press is bad enough.

I started getting messages from an Arsenal fan last week calling us cheats & by Sunday even more. Our kids played football together years ago…..

He was sending lunatic videos, Abu Dhabi ref conspiracy & the rest. I told him it’s all true but noone will do a thing so don’t get your hopes up for next season ;)
With regards to Magic Hat - I wonder if he's in the Magic Circle or if he owns a Hat? Trade descriptions? Emails and slide shows don't equate to proof as far as I am aware - surely the incriminating evidence, if there is any, will be in the actual accounts e.g. payables and receivables and then the actual transactions.
I would suggest @rhymingslang
Been wondering over the past few days who Magic Hat is. Had a whiff of somebody funding it ( similar to the Piers Morgan thing a few months back ).

Not sure who the exposed Harris last week but the are a few dots to join - was formerly named Santismagic - which is a transposed letter away from Saints magic and Harris is a Southampton fan.

Also telling that it latched on to paranoid Arsenal fans once they were in a title race with City - changed name to remove the Southampton link - but very telling for a supposed Arsenal fan account that hardly follows another Arsenal fan on Twitter.

I’m sure there are people that can link it much better than me though.
Rubbish man, post a video!!!!

This cannot be allowed to continue for much longer surely? It’s fucking draining. I get all that stuff about being the bigger person and not taking it on but that’s fine when money and distance insulates you from the worst of it. When you’re a fan even a well informed one it’s gruelling taking on the media, dickwads, and all comers who are half insane with jealousy. If this was a criminal case they would have had to lay charges and be satisfied we would get a fair hearing.. I am not sure that’s even possible. Anyway sorry I am just fucking sick of it, it’s inescapable, unfair and frankly everywhere. I don’t do much social media, don’t go out to work god bless blues who have to face fucking know-nowts, and spittle-flecked shouters On a daily basis the press is bad enough.
Using that recent Times article by Syed as an example. He's entitled to use journalistic licence to ask the questions of City's guilt (even if there's an obvious seam of sarcastic bias that runs through the whole piece).
Much in the same way that a barrister would do when attacking the testimony of a witness. It's very hard for the club to counter that in the public domain before the hearing without seeming to 'doth protest too much'. He can't be given a Cand D warning because Syed would just publicly shrug and state that he is merely asking the questions.
The time when City will be able to come down hard on them all is once innocence has been unequivocally proven, because then questioning our integrity will have a very libellous optic to it. I suspect it won't happen much, because of that very reason and we'll just be left with the no nowt Internet gobshites who don't matter, who we can all just take the piss out of.
I agree, that it is becoming really tiresome and needs settling once and for all, ASAP.
Then they can all move onto Chelsea and our club can get on with the job of getting even better.

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