PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

wrap it up in the summer, find us guilty in an Al Capone way (so it doesn't affect our title wins) relegate us to division 2, then Pep signs an extention of 2 years and we have 3 keeganesque romps back to the prem.

or we win, no one accepts it fully, claims we bribed the FA, we are called cheats despite it being evidently untrue, life carries on as is 115 hashtag goes back to empty seats or such.
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Odd isn't it how a club can

Fail UEFA ffp and be fined
Can be half a billion in debt.
Can have stadium passed fit for purpose, yet it falling down.
Can employ someone with a dodge past in doping from cycling.
Is being investigated by the taxman.
Is registered in the tax haven
Doesn't pay uk taxes

Yet this club sales through the pl ffp.
I started getting messages from an Arsenal fan last week calling us cheats & by Sunday even more. Our kids played football together years ago…..

He was sending lunatic videos, Abu Dhabi ref conspiracy & the rest. I told him it’s all true but noone will do a thing so don’t get your hopes up for next season ;)
Block him, simples.
Odd isn't it how a club can

Fail UEFA ffp and be fined
Can be half a billion in debt.
Can have stadium passed fit for purpose, yet it falling down.
Can employ someone with a dodge past in doping from cycling.
Is being investigated by the taxman.
Is registered in the tax haven
Doesn't pay uk taxes

Yet this club sales through the pl ffp.
As others have touched on imagine the email strings on these scenarios or Liverpool 'looks like we are 50m overspent, anyone know a builder or structural engineer who will send us a false invoice for 50m so we can reallocate the spending? "
I had the same watching the final in the pub. Didn't know any rags were in there until they scored.
Than all I got was 115, getting relegated, 115, cheats, getting relegated on and on it went.
I felt myself getting really angry and went outside to cool of for 5 minutes.

In the end I reacted ny saying in a very angry voice lol "you've never won 4, should have been Coventry in the final, aren't even brave enough to wear your colours"
Abit childish I'll admit but in all honesty I was expecting it to end in a fight, they had pushed me to far. After that they went quite.
63yrs old and I was happy to have a fight with these knobheads if that's what it took lol
Mate I’ve been dragged in a few times by so called mates and found myself getting really worked up about it to the point of nearly coming to blows and believe me I’m no fighter and it’s totally out of character for me.
99 percent of the time I just laugh at em and agree with em or just smirk.
Most of em had gone quiet on the charges until the final loss but that game has reset em all back to day one.
Ill be fucking glad when this is over win or lose.
Some guy on Twitter had popped up with a "new" analysis of "evidence" against the club (the emails). In the style of our friend Nick Harris but with a different name. Nothing new but people get nervous when this sort of thing happens.

Just that really.
I want to stay positive and I am not easily 'thrown' when some latest random twitter muppet appears - but I confess that this latest has indeed caused some concern.

I think that this is because:

1/ It does seem to me to be a particularly well orchestrated attack.

This is more than just the same old same old frothing of the mouth that we have had so much of. Even Stefan notes that there is a lot of work gone into this and the impact that it is having on the fans of other clubs is significant. Whether we like it or not - for a lot of fans that are not as biased as we are - and also for those not necessarily as desperate as the red shirt followers - I think that this will seem quite compelling

2/ This issue of 'balance of probabilities'. This I feel feeds into the desired narrative - if there are so many examples/references of discussions having taken place then would/could it not lead to an assessment that 'on the balance of probabilities......'


3/ I hear a lot on here that the emails do not mean that much and there needs to be hard evidence of action etc. And I get that, but.....

Having watched quite a bit of the interviews in the Post Office inquiry - especially that of Fujitsu employees being grilled - a significant percentage of the questioning is through referencing to the content of emails that suggest what action(s) may then have taken place - it feels like the sort of consideration that could be given to our situation.

So - just saying that I can understand the anxiety that a number of CITY fans are feeling - whilst also being hugely confident in our club.

The PL (on behalf of the red shirts) just need to get 2 of the 3 panel members to decide that - on the balance of probabilities......

And all this surrounding clamour seems part of a well-orchestrated campaign
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This thread wouldnt exist If the centurions, fourmidables, the treble, 4 in a row and 6 out of 7 league wins didn't happen.

Not a chance. We know it. The media know it. Rival fans know it. Nobody would be remotely interested in our figures, our sponsors and our emails. Der Spiegel wouldn't be in the news, the daft **** Harris would have nothing to write or tweet about, life would be great in red cartel land, bumfluff and screech's double act on sky sports wouldn't sound like cissy and ada every second.

Our success has breeded jealousy, hatred and slander never seen before in the media and social media, it is truly off the scale. Fans falling out of love with football, journalists refusing to be professional and instead writing articles based on personal feelings, big sports outlets behaving like toddlers having tantrums.

Please pep, do another two years, take these pricks to the cleaners, bury them once and for all and be front and centre when these charges get quashed and thrown out.
Nailed it brilliant post
Mate I’ve been dragged in a few times by so called mates and found myself getting really worked up about it to the point of nearly coming to blows and believe me I’m no fighter and it’s totally out of character for me.
99 percent of the time I just laugh at em and agree with em or just smirk.
Most of em had gone quiet on the charges until the final loss but that game has reset em all back to day one.
Ill be fucking glad when this is over win or lose.
It is wearing. All losers hate a winner and these fucking charges give everyone a stick to beat us with. They’ve done a job on us and loads are piling in and having a free hit. It’s especially stings after losing a final to the rags as it’s brought out all the rats of their sewer. They’ve turned yet another corner. Having your wonderful achievements just written off as cheating is fucking infuriating. Bring on next season and let’s smash the cunts into next week. When we’re cleared (which we will be) the club need to draw a line in the sand and go balls out on fixing our public image. Dickheads will carry on with the 115 bollocks of course but they’ll end up just howling at the moon.
We should have challenged the whole ffp shitshow in the European courts years ago. I think we would have had a reasonable chance of winning. We could have cited that the top clubs in Europe had had years to amass massive wealth due to their continued success, aided by their champions league money which gave them an unfair advantage on the competition. Obviously too late now.

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