PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Sorry but just like so many that voice an opinion re the 115 you have fallen into the same trap commenting on our issue.

As far as I am aware from the reports Chelsea haven’t admitted to paying players “ Off the books “ at all. What Chelsea have said it has reported itself for incomplete financial information.

That could as you say be about payments to players but equally it could be something else a or indeed breaches along the lines of those detailed below.

I hold my hands up. I did make an assumption. I saw this article and just assumed that this was the nature of the items Boehly's regime self-reported:

Where I will stand my ground, however, is in my view that Chelsea are not receiving the same scrutiny and criticism as City over allegations of a comparable level of severity.
I am going to change my user name. Having read the post from @petrusha my name will now be sesquipedalian blue and I shall post verbose and puffed up nonsense. Oh, what do you mean you already do?
I meant to reply to @petrusha too after seeing his post. Expertly slipped that in there.
Have we had better?
I do love a good sesquipedalian repost.
Maybe, but the orchestrated smear campaign has sullied the clubs reputation and tarnished our achievements in the eyes of some. I’d be very surprised if the clubs global growth hasn’t been impacted by the constant labelling of us as cheats. It’s a nasty insinuation and a bad reputation to have. The clubs out to get us know this, as do their media friends, so they have definitely succeeded in that respect.
How successful do we have to be on and off the pitch before you think it is having no effect,? You need to understand these charges are built on pure jealousy, anything after that is just ignorance.
I hold my hands up. I did make an assumption. I saw this article and just assumed that this was the nature of the items Boehly's regime self-reported:

Where I will stand my ground, however, is in my view that Chelsea are not receiving the same scrutiny and criticism as City over allegations of a comparable level of severity.
To be fair we haven’t been charged yet and yes I think there are some incomings
Magic Hat has jumped the shark with his latest post.

He’s even got Lance Armstrong links in there and blocked any responses.
It's easy to get down about it but I take pride in what it represents - the fact that City have broken and demoralised these people. Not that long ago, they had a banner in the Cretford End mocking our 34 years without a trophy. They sang "let's all laugh at City". Well they're not fucking laughing now, are they? Liverpool fans used to ruffle our hair because we had a common enemy. Look at what we've done to them and their outgoing manager. We're hated because we're good. Not just good, but the best in class.

Chelsea have admitted to paying players off the books and The Times revealed that the full extent of this had not been disclosed. They appear to be in very hot water, but nobody is talking about them. Why? Because they aren't winning Trebles and four-in-a-row.

There's a great line in the Treble documentary from Conor McNamara after we won 1-3 at The Emirates Stadium - "if you come for the king then you'd better not miss". That applies off the field too. City are that quiet, nice bloke at the back of the room who never sounds off. What nobody in the room realises is that the quiet, nice bloke could rip your head off with his bare hands when the time is right. And that day is coming.
Top bloke is McNamara, was my Landlord a couple of years ago.
To be clear, i agree that the charges aren’t having an effect on the pitch. In fact, as Hello City said it actually galvanised us last season. But to say the main protagonists have been in no way successful in their aim isn’t true either.

They should give us some more charges to keep the motivation up.

Charge 116 turning up half cut for the Fa cup final and proceeding to make the worst United team in 30 odd years look good.
Magic Hat has jumped the shark with his latest post.

He’s even got Lance Armstrong links in there and blocked any responses.

The Lance Armstrong comparisons have to be some of the most childish and ridiculous I've seen. We have 11 non doped players on the pitch at any given time vs 11 other non doped players (cough, Liverpool, cough). Accusations of financial doping are miles away from actually physically doping.

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