PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I just dont see how there arent any serious repercussion for PL if we win/clear our name. the way they put our club into the dirt, allowing full blown loss or credit in some way, smear campaigns, potential sponsors may never opted to make financial deals with us with this shit hanging over us which they may have done especially with the on pitch success we just had recent years...

I do hope we kept all receipts just in case.
We won't clear our name, we will be found guilty of something & even if it's not a major charge, it'll mean that the narrative of City cooking the books will continue
In view of your excellent thread, I think it will be nigh-on impossible for the IC to find that a level of conspiracy took place to the extent that at least half-a-dozen executives lied to auditors, CAS, the FA and UEFA. There is no doubt in my mind that Etihad and Etisalat form the most serious of the allegations against us, so the Premier League will almost certainly require further compelling evidence to what was offered at CAS. Emails alone will surely not meet the standard of proof required.

Much is uncertain, but the careless handling of the bringing of charges against the club (foregoing the courtesy of informing the club before going to the press, coinciding with the government white paper on independent football regulation, stipulating breaches from the wrong handbook, etc), suggests to me that no such additional evidence exists.
Yeah but we failed to cut the grass.
The Lance Armstrong analogy is the biggest wail of desperation and straw-clutching I've seen. Its another throwaway comment masking how shit other clubs are ran compared to us. Nothing more than that.
Armstrong had all his titles removed. They are trying to set up a similar punishment for us.
If i have been reading this correctly it seems this Magic hat or whatever he is called is an Arsenal fan who seems to think he has the inside track on whats going on.

Seems reasonable to assume its the PL lawyer KC Rossen
It's almost certainly Harris. I quickly checked the two timelines.

While you wouldn't hang someone on this evidence, Harris was at Wembley to watch his Southampton team on Sunday. He didn't post until about 11pm that night. Magic Twat's first post on the same day was around 10:40pm. Some coincidence.
Armstrong had all his titles removed. They are trying to set up a similar punishment for us.
Yes he took the drugs and knew it was wrong, the City players have done nothing wrong apart from playing amazing football
This magic hat fella must be pulling city rabbits out of his sneaky backside.

What about emails alleging wrongdoing I hear you cry? So what about them? Plenty of people in business suggest many things which under law can be deemed borderline.

FFP came in and no fucker understood what was and what wasn’t allowed at the best of times and that was before uefa kept changing the goal posts. A lot of those emails can easily be explained away and many don’t even match the version of ffp that we supposedly broke.

Then you have the players involved. Do you think anyone with half a fucking brain is actively touting rule breaking with khaldoon in charge? and the accounts to be scrutinised by an external company.

No because no one is that dedicated to their job as to risk jail unless it was the direct owner doing the dirt ie Mansour himself which is clearly not the case or his fingerprints would be all over those emails.

We have all worked with many people and they just don’t care enough to be involved in a mass conspiracy so city can win a cup or two. Instead people normally worry about Morgage’s, what dixkhead is in charge of the government and giving the rags a cup every now and again so they can feel like they have turned the corner.

The whole thing is fucking stupid and made up bollox. The defence rests…now pour me a vimto -:)
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It's almost certainly Harris. I quickly checked the two timelines.

While you wouldn't hang someone on this evidence, Harris was at Wembley to watch his Southampton team on Sunday. He didn't post until about 11pm that night. Magic Twat's first post on the same day was around 10:40pm. Some coincidence.

Fuck it, lack of evidence doesn't seem to be a problem for any other c*** in wanting us hanged!
That's half the story, isn't it? The first hurdle the PL has to pass is presenting cogent evidence in support of the alleged breaches.

Then they have the second hurdle you explained: trying to make the case that executives of three or four companies are lying in the club's counter evidence.

Seems to me, simply put, that the PL is screwed in both ventures?
As usual I’m none the wiser even after illumination looks to have been provided. Given that we’ve never denied the veracity of the emails - including the ones so thoughtfully provided by the not so mysterious Magic Hat - why does their content seemingly play second fiddle to direct witness testimony, because clearly within those emails club officials (along with Etihad top brass) are making arrangements for someone other than Etihad to pay all bar £8m of the sponsorship deal?
Even if it is incumbent on the PL to prove our guilt, rather than the other way around, surely there has to be more to it than our witnesses just taking it in turns to say “not me, guv!”, and not least because the witch hunt currently taking place, coupled with a feeding frenzy the like of which will never have been seen in the event of a not guilty verdict, will pile the pressure on the panel?
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