PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Did you complain to the BBC about the post? I know it seems futile but I complained about a comment recently and the BBC agreed to remove it. Only a small victory, but a victory nonetheless.

I did this recently as well for any posts labelling us as cheats. I referenced them as defamatory and they were taken down almost immediately.
He's a good poster and I think the pile on is over the top to be honest. As you say, his only crime is that he's a bit misinformed but nowhere near as much as some of the other whoppers we've come across during this process.
Unless he’s got previous, you’re right, the response has been well over the top. We’ve had way worse on here
I watched AFTV this evening to catch up on the transfer rumours and I was disappointed to see AFTV banging on about the charges as that hasn't been part of the agenda of AFTV all season. That being said there were City fans on here having a dig at the Thomas Partey accusations and in both cases it's innocent until proven guilty. You can't give it out to him and then complain that other fans give it to City. Not until the proper legal process has been allowed to take course.

Re the City charges, 115 is misleading as the reality is it will boil down to a few more serious charges and a bunch of other much more trivial misdemeanours. Bear in mind the traditional top 4 sides had decades to get their shit together and spend a fortune on building their clubs so if, big IF, City are guilty, it will be of doing something to develop the club in a way that the other big sides have historically been allowed to do but now times have changed and newly-monied clubs are unable to, and City bending the rules and concealing the true nature of events leading up to City being able to invest in the club.

From what I'm reading and hearing it is likely some sort of deal gets done in the background, City get a 20 point deduction and a big fine - will mean they won't win the league that season but still qualify for CL. The hysteria that City get relegated to the National League or whatever is overkill - not in a million years will that happen and it's in the club's interests to wrap things up quickly and I'm sure the lawyers will be advising them that as for sure with 115 charges to go through some of them will stick, even though there's an element of subjectivity to them all.

Note also, contrary to some of the posts in this thread, City were NOT cleared by UEFA. They were found guilty however there is a statute of limitations that applies when going to the European CAS meaning evidence older than a specified period of time cannot be used and therefore the charges were not allowed to stick. PL rules are different and evidence can be used from any period of time which is why I think the PL will get some of them to stick. But none of the charges are as serious as the ones Juventus faced for basically match-fixing and their penalty was relegation to the next division down. So there's nothing in my mind that makes me think City won't be able to do a deal behind the scenes with a one-off points deduction and a fine.

As a Gooner I'm genuinely not bitter at all - we've historically had the opportunity to spend whatever we wanted - we chose not to (despite at the time having a corrupt Putin stooge in the form of Alisher Usmanov as a major shareholder who wanted to splash his blood money around). Other clubs like Chelsea and the Rags did get their wallets out though and now they don't like it when someone else wants to spend their money on their club. Football has always been. That way in the PL era - heck even Blackburn bought a league title. Since then more clubs have come in with the readies to compete and build the infrastructure to take the club to the next level, set up sustainable infrastructure for the future, sustain higher revenue channel opportunities and so on.

Chelsea spent dirty Russian money on building that club. Money with blood on it.

And as for the Dippers being up in arms - let's just reflect on the fact that their club is responsible for the murder of 39 Juventus fans, responsible for English teams being banned from Europe, responsible for attacks on opponents team coaches. If there ever was any justice then that club would be permanently banned from Europe and would have been relegated by the FA for giving English football a bad name in the 80s. So I'd advise them to shut the fuck up.

Keep posting mate, I know some get a bit upset about it but crack on :)
I’ve heard the 20 points rumour from a completely independent source, a corporate lawyer, not practicing in sport. He was at a social in London where a lawyer who has represented other PL clubs and PL players was talking after a few glasses of truth serum had been consumed. He said the PL offered a £50m fine plus 20 point deduction because the IC is completely overwhelmed by the volume and strength of City’s written submissions to the Panel. The offer got the response it deserved. Simon Jordan and Nick Harris are now saying a settlement is on the cards. Sounds like the PL are on the run, they have absolutely botched this and Masters will probably resign first, during the summer. The PL are banking on the constant negative PR forcing City into a settlement, Khaldoon said never again and he meant it. We have taken this shite for years now, we collectively must not buckle one iota. Keep fighting Blues !
If the IC is completely overwhelmed by the strength of City's case, why are the PL offering a fairly hefty 20-point deduction and £50m fine?
Here's what i think...its a load of old bollocks spearheaded by the jealous red top twats that have no intention of wanting to run their own clubs in a similar fashion to what Mansour built - that would take money away from them lining their own coffers

Instead, they would rather fundamentally damage our club as it is the cheapest option. And when Pep joined and started breaking records they also wanted to tarnish the records he has set at City... taint everything achieved

basically phrased in the voice of the twat spitty 'yeah they played good football, won trophies, but they cheated'
So we except the 20 points what is stopping them saying.
Well you have admitted guilt here's another 20 we don't think the original amount was enough
And... there it is, the mask has slipped.

You did well to keep up appearances for so long.

For the record, City were found innocent by CAS. If you are found guilty of something, and a higher court decides that was the wrong verdict, you are cleared, you don't stay guilty. And anyone that tries to pretend otherwise is a bitter twat. Through that little twist, your agenda is pretty fucking clear.

You will no doubt stick about like an obsessive weirdo, but you are not fooling that many any more.
There are loads of sleepers cell sprouting like mushroom around here. Even Stevie Wonder can smell them.
Actually, it is true
Friends of ours emigrated to Australia around 20 years ago
My daughter (27 years old) posted pics on Instagram of us at the parade and the Dad commented back something along the lines of "what are you celebrating for? You've got 115 charges to face"

He's not stupid. He works as a regional manager for one of the largest banks in Australia and is a lifetime Ipswich supporter
Fair enough, but..................

That is an ex-UK person that has affiliations to another EPL team and perhaps gets a lot of his views informed my an Ipswich fans site and through that UK MSM - this is not someone that reflects the type of person that was being referred to - an independent international..........

My experience of people without the UK connections is the same as others have mentioned

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