PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I’ve heard the 20 points rumour from a completely independent source, a corporate lawyer, not practicing in sport. He was at a social in London where a lawyer who has represented other PL clubs and PL players was talking after a few glasses of truth serum had been consumed. He said the PL offered a £50m fine plus 20 point deduction because the IC is completely overwhelmed by the volume and strength of City’s written submissions to the Panel. The offer got the response it deserved. Simon Jordan and Nick Harris are now saying a settlement is on the cards. Sounds like the PL are on the run, they have absolutely botched this and Masters will probably resign first, during the summer. The PL are banking on the constant negative PR forcing City into a settlement, Khaldoon said never again and he meant it. We have taken this shite for years now, we collectively must not buckle one iota. Keep fighting Blues !

As lovely as your post sounds, none of that happened other than in your own head, did it?
What about if we picked the judges & bribed them…..
This is where the genius stuff comes in. We picked all 3 judges and appointed the chair and didn’t want anyone to spot what we had done by winning 3-0. Therefore we channelled our inner QPR, and decided to instil a bit more drama into the proceedings with the ‘vote’.
We went one down, equalised near the end and then judge Aguero gave us the win…….
Is it really up to a media department though, to do this? Not sure it is, or how far their remit goes.

I suppose the club Could occasionally reiterate a simple statement that would then have to be reported by other media outlets. But really, it is pointless, as it would just lead to more and more prejudiced 'takes', and would imo become a distraction more than it might help.

Remember when mere minutes after Pep himself came out swinging, factual and resolute, Melissa Ruddy who was put down for saying something stupid, was then standing on tv with her own version of it, putting 'innocent' in air quotes when describing the cas verdict etc. So, pointless engaging.

The problem is cultural with the media and broadcasting (not just with this btw), and is rooted much much deper, than any attemp at a PR war might reach.
In the pressers, when asked 'how do you feel about the effect of the charges...?' Etc, just reverse the question on them. Because at this time we are still innocent.
'Is it true that we are innocent?'
Keep pressing the point until you get a, 'Yes.'
Get them to admit it. 'Yes, yes you.are.' Followed by a quick, 'Well then, you have your answer. Pleased to be competing,
pleased to be winning, immensely proud of the players and staff. Thank you.'
Anything else they sputter thereafter is just met with, 'Sorry, that's just your speculation, and therefore irrelevant. Next question.'
Or better still, 'It just makes us try harder. Bet you wish you'd never begun the witch hunt now, eh?' With a big shit eating grin.
A huge fine and a 20 point deduction is hardly the PL on the run !! If that’s what the PL think they may as well go ahead with their IC. Your information about settlement discussions is likely correct as is that Masters is a dead man walking but I wonder if your lawyer friend was winding you up with the £50m/20pts ?
He was genuine.
Maybe (this is just me speculating) the PL thought we would respond with £25m/10 points and "it's a deal". So the PL could appease the screaming masses with a potential ECL qualification fail and certain failure to win the PL. The PL would declare the serious "charges" were Not Proven but No Cooperation; we'd declare Not Proven because we're Not Guilty and we did cooperate. Both sides acknowledge the never ending shit storm is done with and both can start to repair the respective damage to the brands.

Anyway, it's all irrelevant because we declined to settle.
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He was genuine.
Maybe (this is just me speculating) the PL thought we would respond with £25m/10 points and "it's a deal". So the PL could appease the screaming masses with a potential ECL qualification fail and certain failure to win the PL.
If there's one thing I know about this City team, it's that they'd take that challenge on just to boil even more piss!
I think everyone could deal with a 20 point deduction, missing out on Champions League and a level of impact on the clubs growth. It’s not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but admission of some kind of guilt or even enabling perception of guilt would be a serious kick in the balls that would be hard to deal with. That would enable questioning of our achievements on the pitch and would be rammed down our collective throats for years and years by social media morons, not to mention justifying the job that the media have done on us down the years.

100% correct decision by the club to tell them to stick their agreement where the sun don’t shine.
The Americans might do plea bargaining but we don't in the UK. That 20 point deduction plus 50 million fine would leave us at least 150 million down on turnover and forever tarnished as cheats, it was never happening.
Ok I'll explain why I think 20 points is a likely outcome. It's a penalty that is severe enough to be significant (and outweigh the penalties given to Forest and Everton, meaning fans of other clubs can shut up about City not having to take their medicine) whilst simultaneously not actually affecting City that much as with a 20 point deduction they are likely to still qualify for the CL etc.

My hypothesis is based on how businesses operate. Also regarding guilt or otherwise - there are shades of grey always when it comes to legal proceedings and even if you know you are totally innocent there's always the fear that the court/jury etc don't see it that way - maybe the opposition lawyer spins a great story, maybe there's inherent bias on the part of the jury etc.

Which is why I think they won't want to risk it. They'll take a penalty 'in the interests of putting the matter to bed' whilst simultaneously maintaining innocence and stating dissatisfaction with the whole process, both sides move on, and in a couple of years the City fans sit back with popcorn watching Chelsea get bent over a desk by the PL before they go in dry.

All opinion, probably worth fuck all, I've absolutely zero inside info etc.

With every increasingly cretinous post like this you're edging closer to the ban button. Still you've had a good run for your money I'll give you that.

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