PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Was this when they were paying their players through an 'employee benefit trust'?
Most teams who are at the top got there one way or the other
Although more than a bit fucking funny that Nick Harris has outed this joker for knowing fuck all, and the joker has outed Nick for having close correspondence with the PL lawyers and now thinks they won't get anything over the line. Hmmm.

Hi Nick, hi joker.
For someone who sat and read every word of this exchange.

According to Nick:

1) Nick doesn't think the emails will be enough because the PL lawyers know it won't be enough.
2) UEFA aren't giving evidence to the PL lawyers.
3) Nick knows what evidence the PL lawyers have and don't have, and is concerned they won't be able to demonstrate the main charges.
Without a settlement it will continue for years, its making governance of the PL extremely difficult, it's also damaging the PL/City brands every day it continues. In addition, every single disciplinary decision the PL makes creates a "what about City" pile on. Without a settlement we could be back here in a year on page approx. 10K++. They probably opened with a very high settlement "offer" expecting a negotiation downwards in response.
You’re making a knob of yourself mate.

If they were overwhelmed by our evidence there is literally no universe in which we would say yes to any kind of settlement let alone a 20 point deduction with 50m for dessert.

What a pair of lunatics.

His reasons for only starting this now is due to how busy he has been. Bollocks he's an Arsenal fan and can't handle the fact we have pipped them to the league 2 years in a row so is just being a bitter sad act.

Nick on the other hand is just deranged and thinks he is some undercover journalist when in reality he's just well out of his depth and can't handle it.

Should get the pair of them in the Laurel and Hardy thread.
Where is this hearing taking place? In some secret back room of a hotel in London somewhere lol?? Am surprised the media have not found the location of where it’s taking place,

Also how can the panel be impartial?? Surley they are going to be influenced by what the rest of the country are saying and the reporting in tabloids,
It’s in The Claremont bogs and the panel is Pete the Badge, Bernard Manning and Prestwich Blue.
With regards to outcomes timelines what do we reckon:

1.Before Euro's
2.Just before the final of the euro's
3.Before the start of the 2024/2025 season
4.Part Way through the season
5. End of next season

I dont know why and this is pure speculation on my point but i think if we are going to be exonerated with no deductions or fines. I think it will be before the final of the euro's. If were getting a fine or points deduction then i think it will be before start of the season. I can't see this carrying on into/past next season
You’re making a knob of yourself mate.

If they were overwhelmed by our evidence there is literally no universe in which we would say yes to any kind of settlement let alone a 20 point deduction with 50m for dessert.
Got to keep the pitchfork and burning-torch wielding Iliteratai passive - till they find a way out as the mob could very easily turn on them.
(See the fall of the French Directorate 1795-1799 etc)
For someone who sat and read every word of this exchange.

According to Nick:

1) Nick doesn't think the emails will be enough because the PL lawyers know it won't be enough.
2) UEFA aren't giving evidence to the PL lawyers.
3) Nick knows what evidence the PL lawyers have and don't have, and is concerned they won't be able to demonstrate the main charges.
Christ, if the PL lawyers need evidence from UEFA, they must be seriously struggling.
OMG that Harris v Magic Hat exchange is fuckin hilarious! Best thing I’ve read via BM ever. Harris is a loon! And Magic Hat’s response to learning B&B are the PL lawyers.. “Pannick will wipe the floor with them”. Brilliant read. Lol!!

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