PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Harris sees the City FFP saga as a meal ticket. He doesn’t want anyone else taking the bread out of his mouth. He’s a starving freelance in a shrinking market.
Absolutely. What business is it of his, if someone else comes along pointing the finger at City? Then he decries his rival as an impostor, slags off City fans, and virtually demands that his rival publishes personal messages to prove they aren't the same person.
Just an observation but if the Magic hat guy is in America wouldn't he be calling us 'Assholes' and not 'Arseholes' as in the previous tweet?
I also find it implausible that anyone studying the case in depth wouldn’t have come across Blue Moon forum at least once and thought, “could there be anything of interest there”?

But old Magic Hat first heard of it in his exchange with Nick.

And he couldn’t believe that his mates down at the football all were of the the opinion “City would get off with it”. That sounds distinctly un-American to me.
Anyone remember back in the day, around the time of the original FFP rules and the UEFA charges, another Arsenal fan set himself up as some sort of FFP expert/guru.
Set up his own website (something like
He managed to wangle a few gigs on Talksport off the back of it, but got absolutely schooled off a load of City fans as having not a scooby about what he was talking about, to the point where he had to re-write his website numerous times.
Turned out he worked in something like finance for HSBC and had no experience in Accountancy, or had the slightest clue what IAS24 was, etc.
I did wonder if this magic hat person was a re-incarnation of this previous guy.
I read it through as well. How does Nick know what evidence the PL doesn't have? If Nick knows some damning evidence exists, why doesn't he tell the PL about it?

He seems a bit of a fantasist, and for a journalist, he isn't very good with his spelling.

The video shows the Magic Hat guy and Harris held online chats at 1am, 9pm, and 2:30am over various days. Harris is known to go online at these unearthly hours. If the Magic Hat guy is in America, the equivalent times in the UK are 6am, 2am and 7:30am. It is very strange that the two of them should be simultaneously online at 1am (Hat) and 6am (Harris), 9pm (Hat) and 2am (Harris), 2:30am (Hat) and 7:30am (Harris). (The second chat is not inconceivable). It is very unlikely that two people in the the same time zone are simultaneously online at 1am and 2:30am inside a period of just a few days. It is more credible that one person is the author of both conversations.
You need to change your name to Columbo. ;-)
I read it through as well. How does Nick know what evidence the PL doesn't have? If Nick knows some damning evidence exists, why doesn't he tell the PL about it?

He seems a bit of a fantasist, and for a journalist, he isn't very good with his spelling.

The video shows the Magic Hat guy and Harris held online chats at 1am, 9pm, and 2:30am over various days. Harris is known to go online at these unearthly hours. If the Magic Hat guy is in America, the equivalent times in the UK are 6am, 2am and 7:30am. It is very strange that the two of them should be simultaneously online at 1am (Hat) and 6am (Harris), 9pm (Hat) and 2am (Harris), 2:30am (Hat) and 7:30am (Harris). (The second chat is not inconceivable). It is very unlikely that two people in the the same time zone are simultaneously online at 1am and 2:30am inside a period of just a few days. It is more credible that one person is the author of both conversations.
Ok I'll explain why I think 20 points is a likely outcome. It's a penalty that is severe enough to be significant (and outweigh the penalties given to Forest and Everton, meaning fans of other clubs can shut up about City not having to take their medicine) whilst simultaneously not actually affecting City that much as with a 20 point deduction they are likely to still qualify for the CL etc.

My hypothesis is based on how businesses operate. Also regarding guilt or otherwise - there are shades of grey always when it comes to legal proceedings and even if you know you are totally innocent there's always the fear that the court/jury etc don't see it that way - maybe the opposition lawyer spins a great story, maybe there's inherent bias on the part of the jury etc.

Which is why I think they won't want to risk it. They'll take a penalty 'in the interests of putting the matter to bed' whilst simultaneously maintaining innocence and stating dissatisfaction with the whole process, both sides move on, and in a couple of years the City fans sit back with popcorn watching Chelsea get bent over a desk by the PL before they go in dry.

All opinion, probably worth fuck all, I've absolutely zero inside info etc.
Yesterday you said you had heard and read that City were going to get a 20 point deduction. And today you said you have no inside knowledge and it's just your opinion.

Where have you heard and read about the 20pt deduction, that has formed the basis of your opinion?

You could, if you wanted to, have also read the CAS judgement and come to the conclusion that City will be found innocent and that the PL are infact carrying out a witch hunt.

But you chose the former didn't you. That is why you are biased.
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