PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I've been doing a bit of forensic work of my own.

Stefan and others think that 'Magic Hat' may be an American lawyer / legal student. However, in his exchange with 'Nick Harris' he refers to the good people of Bluemoon as 'cretinous arseholes'.

Busted, as if he was a Septic he'd refer to us as assholes...
When we are cleared I hope the club don't agree to any confidentiality clauses or conditionality.

Following years of comment,speculation,rumours,allegations, lies etc by the media and othe PL clubs, City must reserve the right of public response.

IMO, it should be in the form of a (short) factual 'cause,perpetrators & effect' statement which very clearly identifies the agitators and their Fear, Red Cartel, Destroy City.

Perhaps it should be written and distributed by Lord Pannick.
Just an observation but if the Magic hat guy is in America wouldn't he be calling us 'Assholes' and not 'Arseholes' as in the previous tweet?

It’s pretty clear that Harris sees the whole City case as the chance to achieve something notable in his journalistic career. That’s why he’s dedicated his life to it for over 10 years. The last chance for columns, TV appearances, books as THE authority on the MCFC scandal, that’s the prize for him, rather than any bullshit about maintaining (!) integrity within the game of football. As things stand though he’s obviously that batshit crazy that he can’t be trusted with employment, so imo he’s went to great lengths with this Magic Hat character to reach a wider audience. If that’s not the case and it genuinely is an American student, and no int Harris himself, the DM’s show he won’t tolerate anyone else crashing what he sees as his gig, and his alone. Either way, that thread confirms once and for all what a downright nasty and mentally fragile person he is.
I've been doing a bit of forensic work of my own.

Stefan and others think that 'Magic Hat' may be an American lawyer / legal student. However, in his exchange with 'Nick Harris' he refers to the good people of Bluemoon as 'cretinous arseholes'.

Busted, as if he was a Septic he'd refer to us as assholes...
Do Americans say “load of tosh”??
Odd isn't it how a club can

Fail UEFA ffp and be fined
Can be half a billion in debt.
Can have stadium passed fit for purpose, yet it falling down.
Can employ someone with a dodge past in doping from cycling.
Is being investigated by the taxman.
Is registered in the tax haven
Doesn't pay uk taxes

Yet this club sales through the pl ffp.
Hate to nitpick but isn’t their debt north of a billion?
Nick’s getting one made so he can talk to himself.



This whole thing, the breaches, the IC and the people behind it stink of American influence. Litigation in America is an industry, it seems, that feeds on itself. The one's that want their own way but can't get it, litigate to try and push the other guy over and submit. This time the Americans bought into high profile clubs and planned to keep the money rolling in. Unfortunately the greedy clubs at the inception of the PL didn't quite cross all their t's and dot their I's leaving a gap for what was to be the best owners in world football to enter the fray. Panic spread through all their boardrooms, an owner who invests in their own club was not welcome. The plan was to milk the cow forever. So, along with their stooges on the boards of their clubs and in influential positions in the FA, PL and UEFA plans were made to bring in rules to hobble these owners who wanted to invest and batter them into submission through litigation. Better still these clubs owned by Americans would not have to pay a penny towards litigation. Their friendly English board members would see to that by getting UEFA and the PL to foot the bill. But they came up against a white knight who was prepared to take them on. After CAS UEFA didn't have the stomach to carry on the fight as the costs were massive already and they had just been battered by the highest independant tribunal in the world. Now, the PL is spending a fortune on lawyers, egged on by the red tops +1, who are not paying a bean fighting the white knight. Every other club in the PL is contributing whether they want to or not. In short every other PL club is paying towards their own demise if the red tops +1 pull this off, because if they do the money trough will be completely controlled by the non investing American owners. In this case the future of football rests with the white knight winning, we know this and hopefully the members of the IC see this and recognise the irrefutable evidence City will present. If City win the future will show how gullible the PL were in spending 100s of millions fighting someone elses battle, if City lose, welcome to American franchised football.
Long winded, sorry;-)
Excellent post.
I enjoyed reading it
If it's any consolation, the bold part just isn't true in my experience. I travel widely and hardly ever see or hear it mentioned, other than from other English people (and even then it's only from fans of the same 3 teams). Don't let the fuckers get you down.

We are by some distance the most watched club in US. Many of them are new fans (not me btw - I grew up in South Manchester) but they dont give a flying fuck about these supposed charges. They are just basking in some of the greatest football ever played. As you say, I would bet it is no different in any other country.
Kin fucking hell just seen klopp said he will do a bus parade if our titles are taken of us. Some knobhead at arsenal sounding off as well.

Why can't the club just tell these fuckers to shut the fuck up. All klopp and others are doing is stirring more hatred towards the club and fans.

The club is insulated from other fans hatred but we aren't. We get it day in day. I've said before someone is going to get hurt.

Something needs to be done to stop this shit stirring hatred towards us fans. I can't even go for a pint or shop in tesco without some comments being said.

It's getting to the point were for the first time in 63 I'm getting worried about wearing my support, be that a hat, jacket, shirt etc.

It's getting fucking ridiculous that klopp and Co can peddle this hatred.
Insane jealousy. Klopp knows it will never happen so it was just a way of getting some cheap standing ovations. He knows Pep and City are better than anything he could build and this is all he has left. We should just revel in the piss boiling rather than getting upset.
Insane jealousy. Klopp knows it will never happen so it was just a way of getting some cheap standing ovations. He knows Pep and City are better than anything he could build and this is all he has left. We should just revel in the piss boiling rather than getting upset.
Exactly blue. 2 fucks given. Smiling my bald head off and raise the 4 fingers. Job done!!:)

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