PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

We are by some distance the most watched club in US. Many of them are new fans (not me btw - I grew up in South Manchester) but they dont give a flying fuck about these supposed charges. They are just basking in some of the greatest football ever played. As you say, I would bet it is no different in any other country.
I can second that. We are the biggest game in town and people over here here love that. And not one American fan that I know that supports other PL clubs has ever mentioned 115 to me. Up to now anyway...;)
I read it through as well. How does Nick know what evidence the PL doesn't have? If Nick knows some damning evidence exists, why doesn't he tell the PL about it?

He seems a bit of a fantasist, and for a journalist, he isn't very good with his spelling.

The video shows the Magic Hat guy and Harris held online chats at 1am, 9pm, and 2:30am over various days. Harris is known to go online at these unearthly hours. If the Magic Hat guy is in America, the equivalent times in the UK are 6am, 2am and 7:30am. It is very strange that the two of them should be simultaneously online at 1am (Hat) and 6am (Harris), 9pm (Hat) and 2am (Harris), 2:30am (Hat) and 7:30am (Harris). (The second chat is not inconceivable). It is very unlikely that two people in the the same time zone are simultaneously online at 1am and 2:30am inside a period of just a few days. It is more credible that one person is the author of both conversations.
Well spotted on the time zones and don't forget you are assuming New York Atlantic side of the US, i think there are four time zones which would throw up some very unlikely scenarios.
Insane jealousy. Klopp knows it will never happen so it was just a way of getting some cheap standing ovations. He knows Pep and City are better than anything he could build and this is all he has left. We should just revel in the piss boiling rather than getting upset.
Exactly. Just think, behind the Klopp mask he is hurting. The realisation that he was just not good enough is eating away at him every time his footballing shortcoming is brought up. He has to dance and play the dip puppet for the idiot mob.

City won leagues on the last day so you can’t say we didn’t give teams a chance and Klopp won his trophy to empty stadiums. I bet he is feeling empty now just like the rest of his rabid fanbase.

So yeah, I hope he has to answer many more questions on his failures. Knowing full well he was just not good enough.
Actually, it is true
Friends of ours emigrated to Australia around 20 years ago
My daughter (27 years old) posted pics on Instagram of us at the parade and the Dad commented back something along the lines of "what are you celebrating for? You've got 115 charges to face"

He's not stupid. He works as a regional manager for one of the largest banks in Australia and is a lifetime Ipswich supporter
There will be outliers of course but his general point is correct IMO. There’s a lot more noise about this in the UK than outside of it.
The amazing part of the DM exchange is that Harris has created an alter ego that is more of a **** than he comes across as.

Extraordinary that that is even possible.

I now really hope that other one IS just a made up alter ego. Because I find the thought that he could be that abusive to another actual person quite uncomfortable. He just kept coming back to it, even after 'the hat' would back off.

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