PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Another set of thoughts

Yep, the first thing the auditors would have done when the emails were leaked is get to the bottom of it, if only out of self-preservation. The fact their audit opinions have been unqualified since despite presumably much more scrutiny on the relevant transactions means they were satisfied, as far as they had to be. If they weren't, they would have qualified their opinions or, much more likely, resigned.

I really can't get my head around what the PL is doing bringing true and fair accounts into it, unless it's purely procedural (they haven't seen the counter-evidence they want to see, so have just thrown everything to the IC) which, if so, begs the question - was that wise? I didn't understand this at the beginning of the thread, and I still don't.
To me he seems to be a man with an enormous amount of anger and hate. He needs to direct it somewhere otherwise he could harm himself or random members of the public. I guess this is how lone gunmen are born.

And don't forget he claims a City fan threw a brick through his window whilst he was away visiting his wife in a hospice. How he knows it was a City fan if he wasn't there is another matter, perhaps he should ask magic twat if he did it. An Arsenal fan did it and ran away sort of thing?
I think it was the SAS, they’ve took over from Chelsea fans as the go-to people to blame.
Another set of thoughts
Great thread and the audit aspect is something I've briefly mentioned on here a few times.

I'd also add that it's likely the first phone call Soriano/ Khaldoon took after the Der Spiegel leaks was with BDO audit partner, who would have sought assurances over the integrity of the accounting items implicated in the leaks.

If those assurances, which I expect comprised verbal, written and third party documentation, were not obtained, BDO would have resigned.

The fact that BDO remains the club's auditor six years after the leaks gives me great comfort.
What's fair value ? If I want to sell my car for 200quid and someone offers 500quid I am meant to say nah mate it's only 200quid !

Buyer is happy to 500quid I'm happy to take 500quid seems fair as both are happy

He thinks we are selling that car to a brother who is a billionaire and over paying!
Isn't an Harris another name for a minge in some quarters?
I'm sure a woman I was seeing from Salford yrs ago called hers an Harris on occasion
“Aris” is cockney for arse. It comes from Aristotle = bottle = bottle and glass = arse. Based on losing your bottle is losing your arse or shitting yourself.
So I suppose if you buy a cup of tea off your son on your deathbed for the house and your savings you'll have a tricky time convincing the tax man that it was fair value. So there are laws and regulations in place. But as far as I can tell City, Etihad, the PL, UEFA and everyone else in between has always agreed that it was fair value, albeit on the steeper end of the system and obviously a result of City's relationship to Etihad. And the time since its proven to be of good value. But I was surprised to hear Harris still talking about as it doesn't really have much to do with the charges as everyone understands it.
I wont have to convince the tax man of anything, I'll be dead

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