PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

We all know why it's not getting the headlines it deserve is the press and media in general are shit scared of the murderoool PR machine...

Wrote this the other day in the media thread, will post it here with some things added as it's relevant to this.

UK sports media is stuffed, full to the brim with utd and liverpool fanzine writers. Not that most of them are from Manchester and liverpool, but they chose them as their team when they were winning stuff.

And now it's City winning, they can't stand it. Not one of these fanzine writers actually cares about ffp, the charges, sportswashing or human rights, etc. They're only crying as they aren't winning anymore. Which is why we get so much shit and our achievments are over looked.

Also why when their own skeletons are out of the closet it's largely ignored or put right down the bottom of the website page.

Not helped by City's media department being a bunch of pussies who try and be as accommodating as possible to them.
They won't do a thing to Liverpool. Wouldn't surprise me that the dippers, rags and Tarquins loving media will try to fabricate rumours that ADUG, Etihad, Sheik Mansour have got links to Al Qaeda if we get found innocent of the 115 charges.

FYI a massive amount of the human rights abuses that the UAE is accused of, are towards Islamic extremists and those accused of aiding or abetting them.

Their policy is very much a "do not pass go, we don't give a shit about your rights if you're a terrorist" type policy and its something that is often ignored by people criticising the regime there.

Terrorism in the Mid East for many of the nations attempting to open themselves up to the world is a massive issue which they come down on extremely harshly, often without the full judicial process that you would get here. It's a local, national and international embarrassment to some of these countries to be linked with it and the penalties are as harsh as they get.

Terrorist attacks are rare to non-existent there and they're constantly on the look out for financing of terrorism from within their borders and deal with these in the same heavy handed way. It's also one of the reasons why the UAE et al broke off diplomatic ties with Qatar a while back after they were found to be funding Islamic terrorism.

They're actually proper cunts about it
Why is this not on all media news loops.

The werlds greatest football club,formerly bankrolled by a 1950s gambling company and supported by the werlds greatest supporters, sponsored by the werlds greatest terrorist supporting American Bank.

Shirley the public should be able to share this news.

Ps....praps this is the real reason that the highly principled Klopp jumped ship ??
American bank? You might want to check your facts. The rest I agree with.
fucking rags and their tax bill, scousers and their terrorist money, arsenals Rwanda hook -up and spurs insider dealing and we’re the ones on the hook. Mental.
That is precisely why city is constantly investigated…we ain’t any of the clubs above.

The supposedly big clubs are making an example out of city. You came here and took our revenue and made us look like pricks so we will come after you via the governing body. Not only do they want to slow city down and cast aspirations but they damn well want to make sure another city does not happen.
Wrote this the other day in the media thread, will post it here with some things added as it's relevant to this.

UK sports media is stuffed, full to the brim with utd and liverpool fanzine writers. Not that most of them are from Manchester and liverpool, but they chose them as their team when they were winning stuff.

And now it's City winning, they can't stand it. Not one of these fanzine writers actually cares about ffp, the charges, sportswashing or human rights, etc. They're only crying as they aren't winning anymore. Which is why we get so much shit and our achievments are over looked.

Also why when their own skeletons are out of the closet it's largely ignored or put right down the bottom of the website page.

Not helped by City's media department being a bunch of pussies who try and be as accommodating as possible to them.
Do you copy and paste the same information each day? We know the clubs media department is shit -:)

let it go….
whether there was or not you can guarantee that city will have been gathering their own intel and its virtually impossible to assume that all the other clubs are squeaky clean.
The day the charges dropped there was an underlying sense of 'be careful what you wish for'.

Shit comes out in the wash.
It’s the interesting watching the cogs go round in rags head when you highlight that if there was any wrong doing by City and their management team, United wouldn’t have hired a key player in City’s management structure who would have known what was going on to be their ceo. It’s a ringing endorsement by their club that they are actively chasing and recruiting City employees into key positions at the swamp, if everything City has done is bad and against the rules why are Radcliffe and the Glazers trying to recreate it.
This is a brilliant point, which I will be using going forward.

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