PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

All I can say in the matter is this, if a club can afford to buy whoever they want and pay them whatever they want and not go into debt then so be it. But if a club can buy players for big fees, pay them big wages and yet have debts of nearly £1billion and no sanctions are taken then the whole FFP, PSR, APT is then shown up for what it is, a device to protect the red cartel from losing their self entitled position within the Premier League and to be used to curtail or even kill any threat to their position.

The simple answer to all these haters sticking the boot into City is this: Don't get bitter, get your own houses in order and find better investors to fund your club and clear your debts.
My simple answer to all these hater would be and indeed is ….Go fk yourselves Cheers
All I can say in the matter is this, if a club can afford to buy whoever they want and pay them whatever they want and not go into debt then so be it. But if a club can buy players for big fees, pay them big wages and yet have debts of nearly £1billion and no sanctions are taken then the whole FFP, PSR, APT is then shown up for what it is, a device to protect the red cartel from losing their self entitled position within the Premier League and to be used to curtail or even kill any threat to their position.

The simple answer to all these haters sticking the boot into City is this: Don't get bitter, get your own houses in order and find better investors to fund your club and clear your debts.
And stop hiding your accounts in the Cayman Islands!
All football clubs cook the books to a certain extent & always have done, a four year deep dive CSI investigation into any club on the planet would flag up a multitude of questionable issues
I dont doubt it for one second, trouble is there will only ever be one club subject to this scrutiny
I know it has already been said, probably many times but the fact that the rules protect the cartel who are massively in debt angers me so much.
A law should be part of FFP that clubs cannot buy until ALL their debts are cleared irrespective of how big or small that club is.
Surely FFP is to ensure a business can sustain itself without the need for the FA/PREM or Government to bail them out. I'm pretty sure that if one of the Red Tops were to go into administration then all the regulators will be running around trying everything they can, to get them help and bail them out.
This is yet to be proven but we have already seen smaller clubs gone under without any assistance at all.

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