PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Maybe I'm way off on this one but could it be possible that we've been talking with the prem league for a while and we've admitted our guilt. Some sort of settlement has been agreed which would involve a huge fine and points deduction, but the hearing still has to take place anyway.
It's could be another reason as to why we aren't spending this summer.
The opposite is more likely. The hearing has possibly been brought forward because a lot of the serious false accounting charges don’t stack up. The media narrative will become all about Mancini and Toure. The two bullshit allegations. Just a smear campaign from start to finish.
It could be perfectly legal and still breach PL rules. It is not illegal to invest too much money in a business but it breaches PL rules. The Mancini stuff is surely bollocks anyway because the initial contract was agreed three years before FFP came in,
The allegations is in affect fraud they loose that they loose most of the case we haven’t been accused for the most part overspending rather cooking the books
The allegations is in affect fraud they loose that they loose most of the case we haven’t been accused for the most part overspending rather cooking the books
The false accounting stuff is essentially fraud and that’s the majority of the allegations. I thought the Toure stuff was more about image rights issues. We could be cleared of all the false accounting stuff and yet still breach PL rules on Mancini and Toure.
Just remind me where did the Toure allegations come from I only remember seeing the other stuff mentioned in the emails I know Fordham could be connected to it which was possibly mentioned in emails but was more widely know but was also more general and covered all players. Feels like Tour thing was made up or inferred from other stuff and only attached to him if we where paying people off the books why only him ?
I try to not let this stuff effect me and I guess it doesn't most of the time.
But the fact that rags got a 75million helping hand from the pl. A PL were they vetted Masters who has now help them avoid ffp failure.
Everton, forest, Leicester failed ffp, Newcastle, villa sailing close to ffp. Yet rags the rules are changed and allowed to be 75million over ffp.

The pl stinks I believe City are 100% innocent and I believe that doesn't matter and City will be found guilty. The pl is so bent.
What puzzles me is why the clubs that are being screwed by the pl aren't getting together.

I know people will tell me it's the King's Council, but our justice system is full of wrong full convictions.

I trust City, CAS proved City had done nothing wrong.
get ready for hell of a media campaign then next few months, I am sure media boys wanna whip up the pressure and bad media coverage as much as they can while the hearing is ongoing. whatsapp boys last hurrah and all that.

all I want to see a huge City win in the 115 case and Pep to renew on the back of it. imagine the tears of all rivals.

despite this I am not optimistic we can dodge every single bullet, they charged us with everything for a reason so something can stick.
and therein lies their biggest problem really, ive said all along if they actually had any intention of doing any serious damage to us then they wouldnt have gone with 115 charges against us, anyone will tell you in legal terms throwing enough at someone in the hope that something sticks is a fools errand as it just muddies the waters, all this was and has ever been is a coordinated way to tarnish the club via the media because otherwise there is just no point in relating every single charge to a separate season because its pointless but as i have always said 6 charges doesnt play well in the media but 115 charges looks like the pl are doing their job, its all optics.
Toure has no allegiance to us whatsoever, he's never acknowledged the success he gained with us, I'm sure he would have bubbled us if we'd paid him illegally. I'm sure he'd be forthcoming with information as long as it didn't leave him open to HMRC action bit as he no longer lives in the UK he probably wouldn't give a fuck, doubt we'd have our ourselves at risk with him knowing his character.
Get what you’re saying. But if you’re wages are dropping in your bank account every month would he have a clue or give a shit where the money was coming from?
the bottom line is this and i have always said this when HMRC come knocking at the door then ill be worried until then this is nothing more than smoke and mirrors and a media campaign, it is baffling to me that not a single person in the press has picked up that what they are accusing city, a royal family, one of the worlds largest investment vehicles and a country, not to mention multiple pre eminent business people is fraud which last time i checked was a criminal offence, yet not a single criminal charge has been laid or even passed to the relevant authorities, i do wonder why.
The false accounting stuff is essentially fraud and that’s the majority of the allegations. I thought the Toure stuff was more about image rights issues. We could be cleared of all the false accounting stuff and yet still breach PL rules on Mancini and Toure.

This. I suppose it is possible that the more serious allegations have taken a back seat for one reason or another and so the whole thing becomes easier / needs less preparation. Those allegations, based on what we think we know, are just crazy anyway.

But I think it is more likely that these idiot journalists were off the mark with a November hearing in the first place. You see what SB said about their announcement timing. Which makes me wonder how accurate this latest stuff is. Just a know-nothing journalist repeating what he was told without any critical thought, is my guess.

Interesting about the APT case, though. I choose to believe that because it ties into my likely outcome that the PL is perfectly entitled to set rules around transactions, but they can't discriminate against certain clubs' business models and certainly can't impose onerous requirements on those clubs that impair their commercial performance. So the rules will stay, but will be changed, I think.

I also doubt the PL are briefing Ziegler after their abject failure to keep stuff confidential in the APT case (which I am sure will have hurt them), at least not directly. So his information is probably coming from second-hand sources who want to spin things their way.

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