PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

CAS were accused of being corrupt. By the media! There'll be massive fallout for them if we are (In the eyes of the media and fans and opposition cubs - But mainly the media) found innocent.

The whole country has been fed the line that we are guilty. They cannot even appreciate it is an accusation or that City have denied it. It is how guilty City are.

The media will want punishment if we are found innocent. They will demand heads to roll just because those in charge couldnt make the charges stick. The fans will lap that up, the media will satisfy that demand, that whole insidious loop starts until someone is sacked.
You've kinda answered it yourself there.
There was a media furore around the CAS decision for a few weeks then...
I reckon the crackpot would have changed his outfits for each identity…..

The thing is: I saw Harris on a Lineker podcast and he was talking quite sensibly about PSR and the effects on clubs this year, including City. So he can do it. Delaney too. He can raise very sensible points about football finance and its problems. But when they talk about City they are almost rabid. Although the other arseholes I have never paid enough attention to hear them talk sensibly, tbh. It's almost like the likes of Harris and Delaney are paid for how many inches of pure invective they vomit out. It couldn't be, could it?
He’s a ****.
He obviously fancies himself a thinker and a writer but as we all know; brevity is the soul of wit so allow me to summarize his posts.

“City are guilty because I want them to be.”
He's a legitimately terrible writer. He consistently centres himself, but is unwilling to give his own credentials. Says he wants everyone to make up their own minds, but constantly spins the evidence (or lack thereof) in ways that border on hysterical. He wants to be the main character, but can't even get the basic plot right. It's the very, very worst type of fan fiction.
It is abundantly clear that he does not understand that emails are not evidence of substantive events mentioned within them. The panel will have to see evidence that the rules were actually broken, even if they believe that we had that intent.

I had that discussion with him on Twitter and he refused to believe there could be any explanation for what was in the emails other than his own unique interpretation. You can't argue with people like that. So I replied "OK, Nick" and he blocked me :)
The thing is: I saw Harris on a Lineker podcast and he was talking quite sensibly about PSR and the effects on clubs this year, including City. So he can do it. Delaney too. He can raise very sensible points about football finance and its problems. But when they talk about City they are almost rabid. Although the other arseholes I have never paid enough attention to hear them talk sensibly, tbh. It's almost like the likes of Harris and Delaney are paid for how many inches of pure invective they vomit out. It couldn't be, could it?
Well, yes. Isn't it obvious that they're monetising fans of other clubs who want to believe we're bent?
The thing is: I saw Harris on a Lineker podcast and he was talking quite sensibly about PSR and the effects on clubs this year, including City. So he can do it. Delaney too. He can raise very sensible points about football finance and its problems. But when they talk about City they are almost rabid. Although the other arseholes I have never paid enough attention to hear them talk sensibly, tbh. It's almost like the likes of Harris and Delaney are paid for how many inches of pure invective they vomit out. It couldn't be, could it?
Someone did an analysis of some output from one particular writer or website and the interaction with that output. I can't remember who they looked at (might have been Harris's blog but really not sure about that) and the analysis proved that if it involved us, particularly if it was negative, they got significantly more interaction than if it didn't involve us.

So it could well be.

Edit: Just remembered it was True Geordie.
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Will it?
From the PL perspective they believed they had grounds to investigate us and did so. If/when we are vindicated, they simply say the IC has shown there was no case to answer and that their robust investigation/enforcement measures have been proved to work and that no club is above the rules.
The PL has pursued allegations (Mancini) which go back 16 years, involve small sums of money, and pre-date any FFP rules. They have accused us of false accounting (as serious as it gets) with apparently no proper evdience and investigated us on broadly the same allegations for which we were cleared by CAS. Throughout this process confidential information has been leaking out at key moments which has been used by the media to attack City. Someone at the PL either leaked it deliberately or were so incompetent they allowed rival PL Club Directors to see it.
If you believe the Times (a big if to be fair) it looks like the PL may allso have broken the law with its assisted party rule changes. Masters is finished if the PL loses this case.
The PL has pursued allegations (Mancini) which go back 16 years, involve small sums of money, and pre-date any FFP rules. They have accused us of false accounting (as serious as it gets) with apparently no proper evdience and investigated us on broadly the same allegations for which we were cleared by CAS. Throughout this process confidential information has been leaking out at key moments which has been used by the media to attack City. Someone at the PL either leaked it deliberately or were so incompetent they allowed rival PL Club Directors to see it.
If you believe the Times (a big if to be fair) it looks like the PL may allso have broken the law with its assisted party rule changes. Masters is finished if the PL loses this case.
I agree Masters will be the sacrificial lamb. Probably the reason he was chosen for the job in the first place
Will it?
From the PL perspective they believed they had grounds to investigate us and did so. If/when we are vindicated, they simply say the IC has shown there was no case to answer and that their robust investigation/enforcement measures have been proved to work and that no club is above the rules.

If the most serious allegations don't stick, there are bound to be questions raised as to the nature and extent of the allegations referred to the panel. Even Jordan can read the tea leaves and is now saying 115 allegations was ridiculous.

I am with @bobbyowenquiff on this one. Even from the cartel side, the questions will be how Masters could have screwed up so badly, then there is the pressure from City and whatever allies the club has, and from the House committees and the IR when it comes in. Masters will be toast if the PL doesn't get a positive enough result. He has let this whole thing build up to a frenzy, I can only imagine deliberately. If it turns out to be a damp squib ..... bye, bye.
The thing is: I saw Harris on a Lineker podcast and he was talking quite sensibly about PSR and the effects on clubs this year, including City. So he can do it. Delaney too. He can raise very sensible points about football finance and its problems. But when they talk about City they are almost rabid. Although the other arseholes I have never paid enough attention to hear them talk sensibly, tbh. It's almost like the likes of Harris and Delaney are paid for how many inches of pure invective they vomit out. It couldn't be, could it?

He doesn’t understand the subject & wont listen to those that do, that’s his problem.

He needs support people around him & no electron devices for the days following the announcement.

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