PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If the most serious allegations don't stick, there are bound to be questions raised as to the nature and extent of the allegations referred to the panel. Even Jordan can read the tea leaves and is now saying 115 allegations was ridiculous.

I am with @bobbyowenquiff on this one. Even from the cartel side, the questions will be how Masters could have screwed up so badly, then there is the pressure from City and whatever allies the club has, and from the House committees and the IR when it comes in. Masters will be toast if the PL doesn't get a positive enough result. He has let this whole thing build up to a frenzy, I can only imagine deliberately. If it turns out to be a damp squib ..... bye, bye.

and good riddance
Someone did an analysis of some output from one particular writer or website and the interaction with that output. I can't remember who they looked at (might have been Harris's blog but really not sure about that) and the analysis proved that if it involved us, particularly if it was negative, they got significantly more interaction than if it didn't involve us.

So it could well be.
Well, yes. Isn't it obvious that they're monetising fans of other clubs who want to believe we're bent?

Both spot on, of course. But I was trying to imply being paid directly rather than indirectly.
If it makes you feel any better, the four independent panels that considered the Everton and Forest cases (and their appeals) were all chaired by judges or KCs and the remaining members were all judges, KCs, CAs and lawyers of various ilks.

There shouldn't really be any cause for concern on grounds of independence or undue influence.

The PL will be feeling the pressure you mentioned, though, hence Masters saying nothing at all very loudly this week. But rest easy. The case will be decided on the evidence presented by the PL and the counter-evidence presented by the club. My money, for many reasons on the most substantive allegations, is on the club.

However, to answer your question specifically: the panel's decision can be appealed to another three-man panel chosen by Rosen, then there are limited opportunities to take the case to arbitration and, finally, very limited opportunities (to the extent that it would be virtually impossible*) to go to a "real court". Hope that helps.

* On the other hand, a HHGTTG quote: "Then, one day, a student who had been left to sweep up after a particularly unsuccessful party found himself reasoning in this way: "If such a machine is a virtual impossibility, it must have finite improbability. So all I have to do, in order to make one, is to work out how exactly improbable it is, feed that figure into the finite improbability generator, give it a fresh cup of really hot tea... and turn it on!""

In this case, the finite improbability generator is a highly skilled and very expensive team of legal advisors who are grappling with the very problem of appeals, I would imagine. The tea is probably the same.


Nice that does make me feel better. Cheers for the detailed reply.
As long as the main charges are proved incorrect the club will be delighted, I can't see how we don't get hit with the non cooperation, unless his Lordship has a masterplan.
I think the club's stance will be that they went to the High Court to seek a ruling on the PL's right, has a commercial organisation, to have access to what the club deemed confidential and commercially sensitive information, which they lost and were subsequently defeated on appeal, and since then they have complied with the requirements and the court's ruling. They will argue that they had the right to go to court
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He doesn’t understand the subject & wont listen to those that do, that’s his problem.

He needs support people around him & no electron devices for the days following the announcement.

He and people like him don't rely on facts he relies on mob rule to push his pet agenda across the line, without knowing it it's cunts like him that are killing football because he wants to make it a procession for the tags scouse and cules of this world.

Say Prost in Bavaria and raise a glass to the galacticos too and hope the old order is renewed.
I agree Masters will be the sacrificial lamb. Probably the reason he was chosen for the job in the first place
The senior politicians from both main parties want Masters out. The Football industry is crucial to the UK economy and is vital to attract overseas investment. That's why the Government is pushing ahead with the new Regulator. I think the landscape changed when Ratcliffe appointed Omar Berrada as CEO. Berrada was in charge of our sponsorships but has to be squeaky clean or he wouldn't have got the job. Ratcliffe is well connected politically and has done lots of business in the Middle East. He wants Governnment help and overseas investment for the Old Trafford proposals. He won't do anything to undermine his future plans.
The senior politicians from both main parties want Masters out. The Football industry is crucial to the UK economy and is vital to attract overseas investment. That's why the Government is pushing ahead with the new Regulator. I think the landscape changed when Ratcliffe appointed Omar Berrada as CEO. Berrada was in charge of our sponsorships but has to be squeaky clean or he wouldn't have got the job. Ratcliffe is well connected politically and has done lots of business in the Middle East. He wants Governnment help and overseas investment for the Old Trafford proposals. He won't do anything to undermine his future plans.

I seriously hope that you are right in your thinking @boq because it is imperative that the US cabal is not allowed to rule the PL and weild the control that it has with Masters as their puppet.

Not just for City's sake, but for the sake of all clubs who participate. Currently is is blatantly obvious that too many clubs are bullied or bribed to ensure the yank owners get what they want to the exclusion of everybody else.

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