PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

'There is a growing consensus among Premier League executives that the outcome of City's hearing will result in a points deduction so severe that it would relegate the club'

'According to The Times, one Premier League club executive said: 'The collective view I've heard is that an appropriate sanction would have to be a points deduction so substantial — we are talking here between 70 and 80 points — that it guarantees City a season in the Championship.'

Ok then.
Sounds like the PL are leaking again
I am fascinated that Masters still feels the authority to comment when the matter is with the independent panel. By this stage, IMO, he should be keeping his mouth firmly closed so as not to prejudice either the details of the case, nor the speed of the process.

As for what is happening, we will know soon enough.
Good luck for the season ahead. Safe travels to all supporters.
His comment that”we have to enforce the rules” was an attempt to pressure the panel in my view. It could have annoyed them though. Judges and KCs hate this sort of thing in my experience.
If the PL were confident of getting a conviction with the evidence they purportedly have to hand then surely they would have swiftly held their investigation and punished the club years ago. Instead it looks like their evidence is built like a flimsy house of cards and they are praying the whole thing doesn't collapse before their very eyes. They have to prove beyond reasonable doubt any or all of the charges they have proffered to the commission. All we have to do it show any evidence that casts doubt on any or all of the charges and I'm quietly confident we can do so.

However, with them bringing the case forward to September they have either found (or god forbid fabricated or manipulated) some more evidence or, as is more than likely, pandered to the red top cartel and their tagnut, sycophant clubs to allow them to sue the club before the statue of limitations prevents them doing so. They are now hoping not only for the club to be ruined on the field but financially ruined as well. A massive gamble on their part which, if it backfires and we are exonerated, will no doubt result in unprecedented and irrepairable financial and reputational damage to the PL and those clubs who tried to sue us. I still think the PL are looking to broker a deal to save face but we have had mire than enough of all their whining, insinuations and allegations that we are determined to clear our name.

Balance of probabilities.

Conviction is an inappropriate choice of word.
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'There is a growing consensus among Premier League executives that the outcome of City's hearing will result in a points deduction so severe that it would relegate the club'

'According to The Times, one Premier League club executive said: 'The collective view I've heard is that an appropriate sanction would have to be a points deduction so substantial — we are talking here between 70 and 80 points — that it guarantees City a season in the Championship.'

Ok then.

For any of these imaginary executives to be able to form a salient view they’d need to be privy to all of the evidence and to have the legal expertise to digest and understand it all.

They haven’t.

Or, in the unlikely event they have had access to the evidence, in order to form these views, that would be a huge breach of legal privilege and the whole case would therefore collapse.

It’s completely made up nonsense.
The Panel will have access to the trial bundles when things kick off. There will be a couple of days/a week of pre-reading allocated in the trial timetable. Both parties will submit their written openings (skeleton arguments) with references to the witness statements and super key evidential documents and extracts of them. So there will be some general understanding but at the start quite high level. That said the Panel members could well get some impressions just by pre-reading. But in terms of the Panel flicking through trial bundle (probably 1m pages), not so much. They will look at the documents the barristers refer them to out of the bundle.

I'm abit thick but ! What witnesses will the pl have ? People who use to work at City or people from our sponsors , or people from our audit companies ?
Not suggesting that many people do this - only those of strong stomach - but a read of the last couple of pages of the thread on RAWK will evidence how effective the brainwashing has been

I remember watching this when I was 14 (I think) and it has always stuck with me as a repudiation of anyone who believes anything absolutely. The whole episode is very emotional, but this bit I have never forgotten:

"This is the concentration camp and crematorium at Auschwitz. This is where people were turned into numbers. Into this pond were flushed the ashes of some four million people. And that was not done by gas. It was done by arrogance. It was done by dogma. It was done by ignorance. When people believe that they have absolute knowledge, with no test in reality, this is how they behave."

And he followed up with the Cromwell quote: "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ. Think it possible you may be mistaken."

Not equating the holocaust with what the club and its fans are going through, obviously (he was comparing what happened in the concentration camps to the notion that science and the scientific process dehumanises people and turns them into numbers). In our case, though, the press shoulders most of the blame for perpetuating the arrogance, dogma and ignorance that is prevalent around the "115" "charges" and it is a damning indictment of their lack of morality and humanity.
Can you send me a link please
Ok - link is below...................

Please ensure that you have strong nerve and some bleach available - as a sampler:


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Re: 115 charges for the scorched earth cheating bastards on & off the pitch

« Reply #8026 on: Today at 11:04:02 am »

- Stripped of all trophies won during the period.
- expelled from the PL
- relegated to league 2
- unable to be promoted to the PL for 10 years regardless of their results.
- a 10 year ban on any incoming signings
- clubs to be financially reimbursed for financial losses.
- supporters of all clubs to receive a backdated award of money, to go out and celebrate the trophies they were cheated out of. £500 per trophy.
- no games shown live on TV. And all games to be 12.30 kick offs.
- no entry into the FA cup or League cup.
- to return the stadium they were 'gifted'.

That should do for starters.

For any of these imaginary executives to be able to form a salient view they’d need to be privy to all of the evidence and to have the legal expertise to digest and understand it all.

They haven’t.

Or, in the unlikely event they have had access to the evidence, in order to form these views, that would be a huge breach of legal privilege and the whole case would therefore collapse.

It’s completely made up nonsense.
It looks like some of them have some whispers from the PlL leadership though. Not this latest story but some of the earlier leaks had detail that could only have come from the investigation. It has been a smear campaign from day one.
Someone's going to need to summarise it for me here (i'm not trawling through 50-odd pages to get the gist.)

But what is with the sudden negativity on here? Usually this thread is about Robbie Fowler, "is it football or soccer?", sexiest Corrie character and the like. Now it's talk of points deductions, Fleetwood Town, Northern Premier League and lawsuits.

What the fuck has happened?

Absolutely fuck all.

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