PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Dunno I pay something like £119 a month for Sky / TNT and I am sat here through choice watching Corrie because I can’t be arsed to watch Utd/ Fulham. Up to a couple of years ago I would have been watching the build up and had to fight my good lady to get the remote.
I used to love football but I am now at the point I tolerate it
Old age, mate.
Dunno I pay something like £119 a month for Sky / TNT and I am sat here through choice watching Corrie because I can’t be arsed to watch Utd/ Fulham. Up to a couple of years ago I would have been watching the build up and had to fight my good lady to get the remote.
I used to love football but I am now at the point I tolerate it
Mrs K asked me if I was watching the game last night or could she watch her programme House of Dragons. I said you watch your series, I'm sitting in the garden having a beer and listening to some tunes.
Really can't be arsed watching alot of football these days
People should pay attention to what Stefan says; he has more experience of similar matters than anyone. Fanny wipes, please take notice: our best source says we will be cleared.
Yeah, I'm beginning to think the PL have realised that all the hullabaloo and razzamatazz that got the RDAHMeedya and Dan Roan jumping up 'n down on Ashton New Road was summat to keep them busy and had very little substance. The idea of attempting to derail the season's performances was probably the main aim of those who thought it was a good idea and when it didn't materialise they saw that there was very little substance. I think they will try and stick for a pts deduction but reading the constant message from City the best will be a fine for not cooperating with the Rag 'n Dipper based accusations.
So all I’m reading is the outcome of City being found guilty, points deduction, thrown out of the premier league, titles being annulled. What I want to know is if City win what will be awarded for this witch hunt, 100m for compensation, extra 20 points for the following season and finally we get to choose who will be relegated.
I’ve been thinking for some time that a counter claim would make life very interesting. Under the PL rules, the PL and all clubs must act in good faith to all clubs in the PL.
Right at the beginning of this saga, I suggested that our legal team should ask some pointed questions on how much the PL consulted the redshirts before preferring the charges. (Any emails available?)
Hands up all those who think the redshirts and the PL have acted in good faith towards us.
A failure to show good faith would not only weaken the PL case, but would also open the door to an appeal to the high court and such a finding would make a great introduction to the IC’s ratio when they find us innocent.
You may say that I’m a dreamer…..

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