PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Thank you, Some sense at last. Our owners family invested £25 Billion in UK infrastructure 2 weeks ago. If you think that our Government will allow them to be called cheats in a UK court, think again.

Not only cheats, if they find us guilty of the most serious charges they would be called fraudsters.

I have to admit that the longer this goes on the more I have this perverse hope that they do find us guilty, just to see the inevitable shit storm that it would produce. There is absolutely no way that our owners would just accept this.

And lets face it, no opposition fans or the media will ever truly accept our innocence.

Fuck them all.
As BamberBridgeBlue says, if there was evidence of criminal conduct, you might expect the Police to have figured in the process before now

That said, it is possible to allege conduct in disciplinary proceedings which would amount to a crime if pursued by the CPS in the Crown Court. In a criminal court that requires proof so that a jury is 'sure' that the wrongdoing occurred and the defendant was responsible.

The rule when alleging misconduct in disciplinary proceedings is that the party alleging wrongdoing proves its case on the balance of probabilities or, putting it another way, whether it is more likely than not that the wrongdoing occurred.

If the wrongdoing in a civil case amounts to a crime, the burden of proof remains proof on the balance of probabilities, i.e. is the court or tribunal satisfied to at least 51% that a case of wrongdoing has been made out by the party making the allegation
It's great isn't it !


Don't let the bastards grind you down.
I completely agree - I am starting to get really frustrated at the shit us fans are having to deal with … over a prolonged period of time. And you get very little back from the owners on this … I appreciate their position but sometimes it feels like they could do more to protect the fans.
Not a chance. Our media department bends over backwards for these bastards.

I know a solicitor that worked for City and when I asked why journalists and organisations weren't being sued or banned he said it's because our media department are friends with them all.

Not to keep the enemy close either.

Think they have a genuine belief that one day we might be praised the way the red shirts are.
I think your solicitor mate needs to go back to law school, in the vast majority of cases the journalists and organisations step up to the mark, not cross it as to what they can say. IF City chooses to sue them they would loose and, even if they won what would gained, a small three line apology on the inner pages that no one sees or reads. How much executive time would be wasted? With respect to banning them then City have a contract via the rights to provide for them to band they would have to have very good reason otherwise they would be in breach of other PL rules. Maybe would solicitor mate needs to reflect on why he USE to work for City?
Sean Connery had the correct idea:

They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! And that's how you get these Premier League Cunts. Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that? I'm offering you a deal. Do you want this deal?

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