PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I understood it that way too. I can’t imagine the Police or HMRC sitting back whilst The Premier League get their shit together for the rule breach hearing before getting involved themselves. If they had any evidence of SERIOUS wrongdoing then surely there’d be pictures of uniformed officers or officials seizing documents or computers.

My guess is we’ll either be found not to have breached any rules or maybe breach of minor rules that have in the past resulted in fines for the likes of the rags of £100k or so.
In the past. The PL are continuously changing rules and punishments. I think you are right though.
Whilst that thought does linger in my head. Agree the pl is bent no doubt about that.
But when you look at things with a calm head, the thought of serious business people willing to risk their reputations for little City doesnt make sence. These aren't just serious business people in their own country but on the world stage.
They have invested billions into the UK, Etihad Airways were really smart in sponsor of City both companies have grown because of this.

The pl is run by small fry people who don't understand big business. Masters is totally out of his depth, 5th choice for the job after being vetted by dippers and rags.

Part of me thinks the pl HAVE to find City guilty because if they don't the damage to the pl could be final. Have the pl really gone ahead even after CAS because the 3 red tops +1 have wanted this ?
If so it shows how weak the chairman of the pl is. But he was vetted by two of those clubs.

The American owners are a real threat to our game. They take money out of the game, they don't invest much into the clubs. They want a closed shop league. They want games played in American.

The one thing that does confuse me is that other fans can't see this manager.

I believe in our owner and our club, we are hated because our owners are not white American, it is that simple.

This non cooperation shit is farcical, who can you give our all your books and information when you know its going straight to the 3 red tops +1. How ?

The pl do 'kick it out' in October, the pl shirt have kick out racism of the shirts. But the pl do fuck all to stop racism aimed at clubs and club owners.

I believe City are 100% innocent do I believe the IC will agree with me 50/50. I don't trust the pl and I don't trust an IC.
Great Post. The PL stance on racism is hypocritical because they are institutionally racist.
I think your solicitor mate needs to go back to law school, in the vast majority of cases the journalists and organisations step up to the mark, not cross it as to what they can say. IF City chooses to sue them they would loose and, even if they won what would gained, a small three line apology on the inner pages that no one sees or reads. How much executive time would be wasted? With respect to banning them then City have a contract via the rights to provide for them to band they would have to have very good reason otherwise they would be in breach of other PL rules. Maybe would solicitor mate needs to reflect on why he USE to work for City?

He moved to a better paying job and to further his career.

Thank you for explaining what is obvious to many.

Maybe you should stop assuming things.
As the Season opens I really am struggling to raise any enthusiasm for it.
The shadow of this enquiry has sucked the joy out of football in general as it becomes apparent how deep the dislike of our club has penetrated the sport thanks to the the poisonous drip drip drip of media venom against us . Fans of the big 4 to the lowliest club giving us shit about how we stole all our trophies and should be condemned to the lower leagues. I speak to people I would consider rational human beings but they too have been brainwashed by the constant undermining of Manchester City FC.
We are the bastard prince never to be recognised for the power we fought for.
Only a total acquittal will clear our name and legacy - we know that is never going to happen and anything less will hang around us like a bad stink for years as all our achievements are forever tarnished by this campaign of hate.
We usurped the cartel and will never be forgiven .We challenged a corrupt system designed to protect them and throw clubs like City an occasional scrap from the top table,
I suspect we may have had to bend rules because there was no other way to force our way into a position to take on the mafia family of legacy clubs.
The media and the League are still their attack dogs and will never give us a moments peace.
So no forgive me for not being enthused at season 2024/5 and what we may or may not achieve.
Very well articulated. My feelings on the new season are exactly the same - with the enthusiasm sucked out.

Was thinking this morning that Richard Masters will be absolutely delighted this morning - the prefect start for him with the red shirted PL poster boys starting well.

We have league rules which are dictated by the red legacy elite - with another 12 US owned PL regulars whose sole intention is PL preservation which mean they will support any regulation that will prevent any newcomers investing heavily to gatecrash the party and threaten their places on the gravy train. Tyranny of the majority indeed.

Majority of media coverage on City caters for supporters of other clubs which make it difficult to enjoy any coverage we get.

We have a team that has won 8 PLs and been runner up 3 times in the last 13 seasons - yet you can hardly find a pundit or presenter or Co presenter on any of the sports channels with any allegiance to the club. Absolutely riddled with reds - with a bias that makes you switch off.

Will never change - if as we hope the ruling on 115 is in our favour we will simply move into the next phase of coverage and commentary about getting off on technicalities similar to how the media cover the CAS hearing.
Great Post. The PL stance on racism is hypocritical because they are institutionally racist.
As is “Kick it Out’s” stance. I will never support them after they went after
Bernardo for his tweet and called persistently for a ban yet when Garnacho did exactly the same they said they he needs education and we shouldn’t be looking at harsh punishment.

I wonder who the chair of Kick it Out supports.

Very well articulated. My feelings on the new season are exactly the same - with the enthusiasm sucked out.

Was thinking this morning that Richard Masters will be absolutely delighted this morning - the prefect start for him with the red shirted PL poster boys starting well.

We have league rules which are dictated by the red legacy elite - with another 12 US owned PL regulars whose sole intention is PL preservation which mean they will support any regulation that will prevent any newcomers investing heavily to gatecrash the party and threaten their places on the gravy train. Tyranny of the majority indeed.

Majority of media coverage on City caters for supporters of other clubs which make it difficult to enjoy any coverage we get.

We have a team that has won 8 PLs and been runner up 3 times in the last 13 seasons - yet you can hardly find a pundit or presenter or Co presenter on any of the sports channels with any allegiance to the club. Absolutely riddled with reds - with a bias that makes you switch off.

Will never change - if as we hope the ruling on 115 is in our favour we will simply move into the next phase of coverage and commentary about getting off on technicalities similar to how the media cover the CAS hearing.
Masters saying a few seasons back "we don't want Manchester City winning the title every year because it's bad for business" just about tells you all you need to know about how he wants the Premier League running.
As is “Kick it Out’s” stance. I will never support them after they went after
Bernardo for his tweet and called persistently for a ban yet when Garnacho did exactly the same they said they he needs education and we shouldn’t be looking at harsh punishment.

I wonder who the chair of Kick it Out supports.

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These kinds of organisations are full of self-serving types.
Can anyone help with a link to a blogpost or something succinct and current that outlines our stance and gives a quality run down of things from a Blue point of view. The plastic dippers and rags over here in Aus are becoming almost unbearable with sly digs and a complete lack of any knowledge other than red top media poison. I realise it’s the same everywhere but there is fuck all chance of anything pro City being reported here. I have a couple in my Sunday team who I would bloody love to return volley with a blog/article with some cold, harsh facts that the mainstream don’t give a fuck about. If it’s not City, it’s the cricket, if it’s not City or the cricket it’s the bloody Olympics. Help a brother out eh. On a plus note the women are here next week. Never thought I’d be seeing a City women’s team play in Perth. I’m sure there will be plenty of us at the game though.
Wasn’t Mancini in some sort of period where he couldn’t work for other clubs managing from his exit from Inter Milan? Mansour sticking him on a retainer elsewhere wasn’t hiding Mancini working with City from Uefa and the PL, instead it was other clubs.
Correct. He was on gardening leave from Inter and, Roberto being Roberto, he was very angry and wanted his full whack, which was around £18m in total.

City paying Mancini a retainer until which time his gardening leave was up.
Can anyone help with a link to a blogpost or something succinct and current that outlines our stance and gives a quality run down of things from a Blue point of view. The plastic dippers and rags over here in Aus are becoming almost unbearable with sly digs and a complete lack of any knowledge other than red top media poison. I realise it’s the same everywhere but there is fuck all chance of anything pro City being reported here. I have a couple in my Sunday team who I would bloody love to return volley with a blog/article with some cold, harsh facts that the mainstream don’t give a fuck about. If it’s not City, it’s the cricket, if it’s not City or the cricket it’s the bloody Olympics. Help a brother out eh. On a plus note the women are here next week. Never thought I’d be seeing a City women’s team play in Perth. I’m sure there will be plenty of us at the game though.
Here’s a starter for 10 on the 115

As for dirt on the red cartel, I do t think we’ve had a specific thread, but there’s plenty

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