PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Masters saying a few seasons back "we don't want Manchester City winning the title every year because it's bad for business" just about tells you all you need to know about how he wants the Premier League running.

You can bet your bottom dollar he wouldn’t be saying that if Liverpool were winning it year after year!
In my line of work I look at contractors contracts for defence. If for example I see a manager working on contract A as a full time equivalent and then I see the same manager on contract B as a full time equivalent and both of those contracts overlap in a time period. This would be classed as double accounting and the funding for say contract B would not happen until contract A has finished. As I see as Mancini is, if both contracts are running side by side then city would have to prove that he conducted other work for the group other than managing city. If they could not prove that I can see why prem league would deem this as extra non declared payment. I'm sure @Prestwich_Blue could go a bit deeper into it, I'm only on a certain pay grade and know my place!!
Feels to me like we're in the final throws of '115' clickbait.

Every article about it now is to get clicks, and there will be more clicks generated by the articles that suggest we'll get the biggest punishments.

Either ignore them, or call them out for the clickbait it is.
In my line of work I look at contractors contracts for defence. If for example I see a manager working on contract A as a full time equivalent and then I see the same manager on contract B as a full time equivalent and both of those contracts overlap in a time period. This would be classed as double accounting and the funding for say contract B would not happen until contract A has finished. As I see as Mancini is, if both contracts are running side by side then city would have to prove that he conducted other work for the group other than managing city. If they could not prove that I can see why prem league would deem this as extra non declared payment. I'm sure @Prestwich_Blue could go a bit deeper into it, I'm only on a certain pay grade and know my place!!
As you work on contracts for defence, any chance you could get us a left back?
Masters saying a few seasons back "we don't want Manchester City winning the title every year because it's bad for business" just about tells you all you need to know about how he wants the Premier League running.
Preceded by Scoopupmore declaring that the PL NEEDED a successful mu !!

A wise man from the east appeared and said "CLEAR & OBVIOUS !!

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