PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

It would be insanity to pursue for that reason - of finding us guilty.
So probably not that.
So we should consider if there might be other reasons to do it, perhaps driven by other interested and influential parties - such as the constant drip drip dirty marketing propaganda that such a drawn out process produces, especially if backed by a willing media (even if that willingness is just to continuously jump on the sensationalist gravy train to get more engagement).
That’s closer. It’s possible that the PL see this as the best way to get the redshirts off their backs.
I tend to agree with this, the PL seem to think they have a case otherwise they could have just reviewed evidence and said no case to answer. I don't necessarily think the PL is right but I struggle to understand why they would go over the stuff CAS has already cleared, seems like insanity to do so with all the costs involved.
Well UEFA went to CAS with fuck all...oh actually they had an email spliced from 3 emails.

I doubt Masters has anything.
could also be- the case has progressed so far the legal bills may be into six figures, the PL may have something minor on us that may warrant a fine or indeed a transfer ban also i'd imagine we would have to then pay costs saving the PL a lot of money
So, they've basically got a 5 of diamonds, a 3 of spades and a 2 of hearts in a game of 3 card brag and they're still bidding against 3 threes?
Well UEFA went to CAS with fuck all...oh actually they had an email spliced from 3 emails.

I doubt Masters has anything.
I guess this depends if there was compliance with the court order. Regardless city will know everything the PL has as they would have supplied it to the PL or would have received it as part of any pack for the accusation/hearing.
I tend to agree with this, the PL seem to think they have a case otherwise they could have just reviewed evidence and said no case to answer. I don't necessarily think the PL is right but I struggle to understand why they would go over the stuff CAS has already cleared, seems like insanity to do so with all the costs involved.

Once the PL referred the allegations to the IP, I am not sure what else they could do apart from seeing the process through especially if one believes, as I do, that the club has said no to a settlement. It would be professional suicide to drop the case now. Much better to get a verdict and spin it. These guys are akin to politicians anyway. They would be able to point to a success on non-cooperation if they get one, for example, and spin it as the club "playing the game" on the other allegations.

I have explained before why I think they referred the allegations, why it wasn't particularly clever and why they maybe didn't have much choice but I think, once that was done, the die was cast.
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Well UEFA went to CAS with fuck all...oh actually they had an email spliced from 3 emails.

I doubt Masters has anything.

I suspect Masters has everything the club thinks was covered by the court order, and nothing the club thinks isn't covered by the court order.

Unfortunately for the PL, they will most probably not have a lot without the latter. Talking third party evidence here.

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