PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I know the KCs appointed by the PL should be wholly independent but, the judges appointed at CAS by a combination of UEFA and City were supposed to be wholly objective and independent but (and this is my concern) the UEFA appointed judge voted in favour of UEFA even in the face of no substantive evidence being produced by UEFA. What’s to stop the same happening at the IP where the PL nominate and retain all the KC’s?
This is precisely the concern that I have expressed on here before

Despite many excellent posters on here giving lots of good reasons for optimism - including them emphasising the professionalism of KCs means that they will not be blindly biased and risk their reputation - I have not seen an explanation of how/why this happened
*repeats self for the thousandth time* whatever decision the KCs come to they have to give sound legal reasoning to do so and publish that evidence if it is anything one iota below legally binding and iron clad it will be torn to shreds and their credibility and professional career will go down with it, as much as its important to everyone on here it just isnt that important to highly established professionals who have spent their whole life to get to this point, the idea that these KCs can find us guilty because the press and the red tops really really want them to simply cannot happen.
OK, but with respect that only emphasises the need for the question to be answered -if what you say is so absolutely true then how could the CAS judge find against City? - How/why did that happen?

and if that is not easily explained - it seems fair that some of us worry that if it's happened once - could it happen again?
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OK, but with respect that only emphasises the need for the question to be answered -if what you say is so absolutely true then how could the CAS judge find against City? - How/why did that happen?

and is that is not easily explained - it seems fair that some of us worry that if it's happened once - could it happen again?
From what I have heard, you’re dealing with an entirely different situation here.

If the IP find city guilty, by default, they’re also finding a number of international companies guilty also. That guilt will be based on the fraudulent production of published and audited inland revenue accounts.

That judgment will have to be on a rock solid legal footing because it will be challenged by those caught in association of the verdict.

The connotations are wide ranging and could run for years.
OK, but with respect that only emphasises the need for the question to be answered -if what you say is so absolutely true then how could the CAS judge find against City? - How/why did that happen?

and if that is not easily explained - it seems fair that some of us worry that if it's happened once - could it happen again?

The only explanation I have ever read, apart from the conspiracy theories that the other judges were biased, corrupt and incompetent (which clearly isn't true, because it would more likely be true the other way), was on here from @KS55 (was it?) that it was traditional for CAS arbitrators to support the view given by the party appointing them. I am not sure if that was serious, but I was going to look through some other CAS judgments to check it out.

Don't forget though, we are dealing with people here. Nothing is guaranteed in any legal case. The club's position is clearly that they have the evidence to counter the PL's position. I think we need to respect that and trust the process.
This is precisely the concern that I have expressed on here before

Despite many excellent posters on here giving lots of good reasons for optimism - including them emphasising the professionalism of KCs means that they will not be blindly biased and risk their reputation - I have not seen an explanation of how/why this happened
The UEFA judge was always going to find against City just like the City Judge was always going to find for City.
OK, but with respect that only emphasises the need for the question to be answered -if what you say is so absolutely true then how could the CAS judge find against City? - How/why did that happen?

and if that is not easily explained - it seems fair that some of us worry that if it's happened once - could it happen again?
The German judge was simply following CAS practice of not voting against his nominator. Mad, but that seems to be the case. Later events, in which a junior in his practice issued a paper ‘proving’ City’s guilt, suggest he actually thought City had broken the rules. But just hang on to “There is no evidence that…etc”, eleven times.
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