PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Think you are taking it all a bit seriously. I'll do different things for different reasons. Some for fun, some for challenge, some to show I am happy for my views to be interrogated by anyone inc. Liverpool fans, some for pocket money. You don't have to like it and I don't even know if x or y is a good idea. Different people say different things - you can't please all the people all of the time.

But honestly, even if the Redmen TV was the worst 25 minutes ever (I think there was some interesting content and explanation on there and you can see from the comments that Liverpool fans didn't exactly see it as positive for them), who cares. As it happens, not sure why but the key take away per the comments, is that City will not be found "guilty". Make of that what you will.

I would suggest that owes much to their having (as a fanbase) long nurtured a demented mindset filled with images of brown envelopes stuffed with cash, corruptible judges all apparently ‘waiting to be bribed’, a complicit media (no sniggering at the back there!) and politicians pulling strings on our behalf, etc etc, rather than because they’ve been swayed by any particular legal arguments that have been put to them……although to be fair I haven’t read the actual comments, so I stand to be corrected
I actually am not as optimistic as most people here. I think we'll got done for some but not all charges. And I'm not referring to non-cooperation. I find it incredibly unlikely that they've dragged this on for as long as they have, and without dropping any charges, to not have high confidence some things will stick.
Think you are taking it all a bit seriously. I'll do different things for different reasons. Some for fun, some for challenge, some to show I am happy for my views to be interrogated by anyone inc. Liverpool fans, some for pocket money. You don't have to like it and I don't even know if x or y is a good idea. Different people say different things - you can't please all the people all of the time.

But honestly, even if the Redmen TV was the worst 25 minutes ever (I think there was some interesting content and explanation on there and you can see from the comments that Liverpool fans didn't exactly see it as positive for them), who cares. As it happens, not sure why but the key take away per the comments, is that City will not be found "guilty". Make of that what you will.

"You are taking it all a bit seriously" is the educated man's version of "calm down, calm down".

I know you've not courted this but many City fans, rightly or wrongly, have invested a lot in you. With the club so tight lipped they're desperate to hear someone get the counter argument out there, and whether you like it or not, many see you as the man, but you're not the man, you've never pretended to be, regardless of Jordan's "City acolyte" bullshit.

As you've stated on many occasions, you've no inside knowledge of what City are up to. Clearly your experience and training make you a better interpreter of events than the bloke on the street, and you are to be applauded for making the wider public aware that the PL have a job on their hands proving these very serious charges, but you must know that along with the very real good you do you're spun to high heaven for negative headlines.

You might say, and with some justification, that these negative headlines would exist regardless of anything you do and you'd be right, but they wouldn't be spun with the byline "says finance expert Stefan Borson".

So am I asking you to desist? No, more power to your elbow, the red top client media will do what they do regardless and red top social media will do their thing as well, I gather you're going to be talking with the Mancunian Way soon and I'll look forward to that. But Redmen TV? If you were going to take that gig you must've known how they'd spin it, so a little push back on the loaded questions would've been welcomed.


How severe could Man City's punishments be?​

I suppose we should be grateful for the question mark.
Probably not your fault, but you fit the profile of people who pop up now and then, say something "controversial" that is bound to get a few people frothing on here, answer calmly even when getting abuse, and then disappear again. Then we read in the press how "radicalised" City fans are.

It's happened a few times so people are naturally suspicious. Probably unfairly. I'm happy to give the benefit of the doubt, but it wasn't a great first post.
If someone comes on here and backs up their argument by saying I've got lawyers in the family. Do you think:-

a) that convinces us & we're doomed
b) they're bullshitting & haven't got a clue, probably a rival fan with a victim persuasion.
I am genuinely intrigued how the process plays out.

Would they start by hearing the case on the most serious charges in the hope that by winning these everything else naturally falls apart or would they start by looking at say the Mancini contract and the wording of the rule.
If the PL accept that the Leicester appeal sets a precident then do the PL agree to not challenge those charges?
It then makes you wonder about the APT case, if we know that we have won specific points in that case does it follow that the panel dismiss any charges directly related to anything we may be been succesful in?

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