PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I have a few lawyers in my family and it's not that uncommon to take your time building a ecase you perceive to be good. Wether it's actually any good is a separate thing. But just because it took long isn't necessarily telling of anything.
How often do you visit them in their barrack room?
I completely agree, but clever people have lost trials before. That's all I'm saying.

Well, possibly, nothing can be guaranteed.

But I prefer to consider that the most likely is, well, the most likely. And it is much more likely that clever people don't do stupid things, than that clever people get caught doing stupid things. Especially monumentally stupid things like the most serious allegations represent.

In much the same way I don't worry about crossing the road although people get killed every day crossing roads somewhere.
How often do you visit them in their barrack room?

Strangely enough, I have been writing my personal view of the allegations for the last few days and I came up with the concept of "My "friend" who is a "lawyer" says:" as a way of setting down what rival fans make of the case against City. You know the stuff: the evidence is overwhelming; it's clear from the emails what happened; give me just one alternative explanation for the emails; there is no time limitation; this is rules from a private members club; CAS was corrupt; CAS was incompetent; City chose two of the CAS arbitrators; all this bullshit. It's often a way rival fans argue against the obvious legal arguments, if you have ever been on Twitter :)
Have I typed anything aggressive or rude in here to get these responses?? I'm in tech, just gave my opinion. I'm not sure what is worthy of such vitriol.

Probably not your fault, but you fit the profile of people who pop up now and then, say something "controversial" that is bound to get a few people frothing on here, answer calmly even when getting abuse, and then disappear again. Then we read in the press how "radicalised" City fans are.

It's happened a few times so people are naturally suspicious. Probably unfairly. I'm happy to give the benefit of the doubt, but it wasn't a great first post.
Neither of us is being negative, a fellow poster made a decision to appear on a rival fans channel and now we see what they did with it. Stefan might be perfectly happy with it, that's fair enough, I'm not and that's fair enough too.

"Bringing everyone else to a more reasoned understanding"

Really? You think that's what happened here?

Yesterday Stefan tweeted a link to the Redmen TV interview, this was one of the comments....

Stefan is not omnipotent, I believe this was a mistake.

Think you are taking it all a bit seriously. I'll do different things for different reasons. Some for fun, some for challenge, some to show I am happy for my views to be interrogated by anyone inc. Liverpool fans, some for pocket money. You don't have to like it and I don't even know if x or y is a good idea. Different people say different things - you can't please all the people all of the time.

But honestly, even if the Redmen TV was the worst 25 minutes ever (I think there was some interesting content and explanation on there and you can see from the comments that Liverpool fans didn't exactly see it as positive for them), who cares. As it happens, not sure why but the key take away per the comments, is that City will not be found "guilty". Make of that what you will.

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