PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

@slbsn posted this on his Twitter account. Apologies for the source, but I thought it was interesting. One thing I have learned in my professional career is that an "accountant" who doesn't listen to lawyers on legal issues is a poor accountant and quite possibly one who will either end up in jail himself, or with his clients in jail. Assuming he is an accountant that gives actual advice to clients and not just one who gives poor opinions on Twitter, of course.

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This is what this moron and harris dont seem to understand, they cant decipher between what they want to happen and what will happen, digital communications without corroborating evidence are absolutely in no way an admission of guilt.
@slbsn posted this on his Twitter account. Apologies for the source, but I thought it was interesting. One thing I have learned in my professional career is that an "accountant" who doesn't listen to lawyers on legal issues is a poor accountant and quite possibly one who will either end up in jail himself, or with his clients in jail. Assuming he is an accountant that gives actual advice to clients and not just one who gives poor opinions on Twitter, of course.

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I honestly have no idea why any sane person would waste time and emotional energy engaging directly with this fucking fraud.
That defo sounds like Harris. So far down a rabbit hole he doesn’t read what he’s being told.

I worked for a company taken over by a Shanghai entrepreneur which I believe was code for member of communist party. We had a CFO who was more obedient than savvy & did whatever the CEO told her with pushing the boundaries & I told her as I was leaving, “you will get summoned by the firing squad if it goes wrong.”
It's definitely Harris. The style is the same, so that's a big giveaway but the clincher was the Championship play off final, which Southampton won.

As a Saints fan Harris went down from Scotland to Wembley for that game, so wasn't on Twitter all day. He got home about 11pm that night and started posting, at which point Magic Hat, who also hadn't been on all day, started posting. Harris/Magic hat is the equivalent of Goldbridge/Sandra.

Also look how many of the usual suspects in the world of journalism follow Magic twat. A dead giveaway.

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