PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

how much of a punishment would it take to dismantle our foundations and status ? relegation to the championship, transfer ban of 3 seasons or more, all would take years to rebuild, with the manager players could leave,

my feelings are they will want to punish Manchester city hard that it would take over 5 years to rebuild,
United and Liverpool would love 5 years of top 4 place without little challenges from arsenal and Newcastle and Chelsea,

the damage a transfer ban of 3 years would not hurt that much ? but add relegation to the pot, then it will be over
just think of the mess we would be in ? players leaving, manager leaving, lost revenue, it would be a disaster,
I even think our owners could sell up and say enough is enough,
City will fight this every inch of the way. This independent panel could relegate us but straight away City would take this to the High Court, it would then drag out over months if not years. its a catch 22 for the accusers, if they go overboard with their verdict this will be their job for years to come and will damage them as much as us, whatever they give us we will appeal, I just don’t see City taking any pinch unless it’s “didn’t assist our own downfall “ as per the CAS. finding. This is all very much the American political model, they have taken control of the red shirts, the media and now the Premier League power levers. Just as they have overthrown elected governments and imposed dictatorships and impoverished the people.
American corporate bastards are behind all this.
The cunts have already done exactly why they wanted here.

Season disrupted, media onboard and onside, Pep leaving, points deductions, titles taken away and even relegation being touted as givens.

It really is time we took the gloves off and fought these cunts with everything we have.

I 100% agree with that sentiment. But how on earth do the club actually go about fighting it.

If anything, this has on the one hand shown that the club were actually right in not going in swinging and bening bullish at any point, but instead continuing to calmly shrug it off.

Imagine if after the CAS win, as some were suggesting, they started threatening to sue journalists for defamation or ban anyone that continued to word it as if we were guilty etc. How fucking bad would it now have looked and how much harder would all be doubling down on us to fail.

It is frustrating as fuck, it really is, seeing the shit thrown and the heirarchy appearing to do little publicly about it. But it is also such a delicate fine line too. I genuinely do not see a way it can be fought without really bringing a risk of toxicity to the club, the sponsors, the agents, players and managers they ultimately want to attract.
City will fight this every inch of the way. This independent panel could relegate us but straight away City would take this to the High Court, it would then drag out over months if not years. its a catch 22 for the accusers, if they go overboard with their verdict this will be their job for years to come and will damage them as much as us, whatever they give us we will appeal, I just don’t see City taking any pinch unless it’s “didn’t assist our own downfall “ as per the CAS. finding. This is all very much the American political model, they have taken control of the red shirts, the media and now the Premier League power levers. Just as they have overthrown elected governments and imposed dictatorships and impoverished the people.
American corporate bastards are behind all this.
Is it possible to take it to the high court ? I thought it was an “Independent”
PL review followed by an “Independent” PL appeal review if we don’t agree with the verdict?

Wonder if something is going on here with the motivation behind this that we don’t understand just yet.

The problem with the PL seeking to use us as what feels like a scapegoat to throw off criticism of the league as an example of wealth inequality (i.e. PL wealth gap, spending vs. other Europe leagues) and to hide their own flaws in addressing this is that if they go through with this and hand out severe punishment it will be fool’s gold, laced with hypocrisy that could be a sort of nihilistic, pyrrhic type of victory with the costs outweighing the benefits.

Maguire’s tweet on the circumstances with the UK government white paper report on football governance reform also shows plenty of motivation for the PL to show they don’t need an independent investigator from the government.

I'm sorry...what's that again?!?!?

Interesting that during Stefan's later brilliant summation and analysis of the charges (as usual!!) we heard Lloyd ask his thoughts on this during yesterday's CitySpaces.

However, Stefan seemed intent that he believes the PL charges and UK white paper report timing are unrelated.

Stefan is absolutely fantastic, and would love to ask him some questions on this, but while I ain't no Nostradamus...
  • it sure seems like a strikingly odd coincidence given the economic and political climate in England and Europe, with fans growing resentment towards the PL for its wealth, refs/VAR, fairness, and ever increasing sense of disconnection from English fans...

  • To then risk presenting such a massive, archaic, and comprehensive case that could take years, without clear guidance for determining any punishment and cause the PL its own problems I suspect will wind up as severe as it gets says A LOT. Why?

  • I believe the charges smell motivated highly by those clubs who we know hate us, along with the same fans and journalists bitterly angry at City for "ruining football" for a decade, who were then further angered when we pretty much walked away from UEFA charges at CAS.

  • The added key motivation would then be to use City as the scapegoat to throw to the wolves, as they hide behind the populist driven form of revenge to exorcise, or purge this so-called great Satan that keeps "getting away"...

    as it's always easier to point the finger than look inward.

    "Problem solved, gents. Good show."

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