PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Don't disagree. But that's their own making and choice, not pressure from other clubs.

I don't doubt that the expected clubs will have had an agenda and wanted a charge never mind hundreds of them.

But the idea that the PL are doing this purely as a reaction to such pressure, without at least thinking the have something, advised by high profile lawyers, sorry, can't buy into that.

That's not to say I think they do have something or that I am worried. They could well be wrong. But doubt it is the posturing excersise to please some clubs doomed to fail that a few seem to think it is, there is a lot more at stake here for them than a oh well you tried boys, from a few clubs.

The PL will have had pressure from certain clubs, and I’m certain that they threatened to get onboard with the idea of an independent regulator unless the PL showed it would take action against us. The letter informing us of the charges was full of errors, which is evidence to me it was rushed. The timing of the independent regulator is evidence of why it was rushed. It was a big bold statement of “we can regulate without interference”. I’m sure they sought counsel and I’m sure they were given confidence that they didn’t have the same rules and regulations as UEFA regarding time-barred evidence so could carry out a comprehensive review. But people give too much credit to the PL and to lawyers. These are the same people who left a wide open door for Leicester to stroll through. Very rarely do lawyers turn down the chance to make money, and very rarely will they give you more than a 50% chance of success!
Of course that’s how the law works… rich people don’t get fined because they can afford to pay! What’s that clown on and how does he get a platform to spout such drivel.
All the reporting around this is from know nothings generally just spouting a mix of what they hope/fear will happen presented as fact.
That would only be the start. A permanent stain rubber stamped on the club in the history books, lawsuits in excess of £200m, commercial partners withdrawing support, future players not wanting to damage their own brands, an owner who would not pass the stricter fit and proper persons test.

To be clear, this is a fight between life or footballing purgatory.

Which is why they can't win and we won't lose.
IF we lose we are done as a club, that's how big a deal this is.
So called legal expert from Liverpool University interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland this morning when asked to explain the charges against City started by explaining that City were trying to avoid the EPL regulations about keeping losses below £105M over three seasons!!!!
Hope the legal minds on the independent panel have a bit better idea on what the case is all about

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